How To Deal With A Toxic Coworker


Toxic coworkers are the worst. It's like having a serious case of the Mondays, but on a Monday where your co-worker is wearing a unicorn onesie and eating cotton candy out of a tiny glass bottle.

It's not just that you have to deal with them every day. it's also that they're affecting how you feel about your job, and how you feel about yourself at work.

What should you do if you have a toxic coworker? Here are some tips:

1. Know why they're toxic

Toxic coworkers tend to be over-the-top negative or overly nice, so it's important to figure out what their problem is before deciding how to deal with them. Is it an insecurity? Are they looking for validation? Does this person have an issue with authority or being told no? Once you understand their behavior and motivations, it will be easier to avoid them in the future.

2. Be proactive

Dealing with a toxic coworker is to take control of your own emotions and reactions. You can't expect someone else to change their behavior if you aren't willing to do the same. If someone is being toxic, try to understand their perspective maybe they have a history of abuse or trauma that has made them lash out at you in a way they wouldn't at another person.

3. Make an effort to understand what makes them tick

Being able to empathize with someone is key when trying to make them feel heard. Try engaging with them on topics they care about so that you can better understand where they're coming from.

4. Be assertive and respectful!

Toxic coworkers are often very self-centered, and might not take criticism well; don't let them get away with it by being passive or quiet about your feelings toward their behavior or actions. Tell them directly what bothers you about their actions, and how those actions make you feel but be sure you're doing this respectfully and kindly!