How To Break Bad And Unhealthy Habits?


VIP Contributor
Human beings are a kind of creature who develop habits by the passage of time. It is a human nature because we all are evolved to form different kinds of habits. The sad thing is that many people develop bad habits because bad habits are quite easy to adopt. On the other hand, healthy habits might be really hard to form because we are creatures who tend to seek comfort. For example, it might be really hard to walk because walking requires you to put effort. On the other hand, it might be easier to use transportation for even short distance.

Since using transportation provides relief and comfort, many people nowadays prefer to use transportation over walking. What many people do not realize that walking is far much better than using vehicles because walking is far much healthier. The more physically active you become, the more healthier you will become. Unfortunately, it is not an easy thing to break a bad habit due to the fact that we always want comfort and this comfort can be bad for us in the future. So how can we change ourselves and change the bad habit that has been damaging our health? What are some useful tips?
Truely, we do not consider that our body needs flexibility.

Our money hinders us most likely from useful things our body needs.

If that low life man is seen always walking far distance and mocked at, it is way better than those who neglect walking and prefare quick transportation.

Exercising our muscles is the best.
The bad habit for me was smoking which I started when I was a teenager. I got hooked in cigarettes that I continued to enjoy the vice until I was nearing the senior years. Fortunately I was able to lick the bad habit of smoking in 2007. It was a stroke of luck that I felt bad in my tummy that there was pain that radiated to my chest. It could be a symptom of heart attack that really scared me. But I understand that if it was my time then we cannot do anything about it. What I did was to pray and I promised God that if I will live then I would quit smoking. On that day I smoked my last cigarette and that was it.

Everyone in my circle was amused at first to learn of my quitting because they know that I was addicted to smoking. But fate has shown that I defeated the urge to smoke and now I'm free of that bad habit.