How To Be Emotionally Balanced With Money


VIP Contributor
It's easy to get caught up in the idea that money is all about the power. And it's true that money does have power but it can also be a tool for empowerment, control, and self-expression.

The best way to use your money is to focus on what you can do with it. What are your goals? How can you achieve them? Do you need more money or less money? If you're trying to save more money, how much do you need? What will happen if you don't save enough?

This is a good time of year to start thinking about these questions because it can be hard to think about them when things are going well financially but they should be front and center in your mind at any time during the year!

There are many ways to be emotionally balanced with money. One of them is to pay attention to your emotions and how they relate to money. The first step is simply realizing that you have emotions about money, and then acknowledging them. Once you've done that, it's time to start figuring out how those emotions affect your financial decisions.

It can be helpful to write down some of the things that trigger your feelings about money and see if there are any patterns that emerge from those triggers. Once you've identified some of the triggers, try some exercises designed to help you cope with them. For example, if you're triggered by spending more than you earn which could mean being stressed when you have too much debt or not being able to afford something because you're still paying off bills. try writing down what would happen if you just gave yourself a break today instead of going out for dinner tonight? What might happen if tomorrow morning instead of buying groceries today? How might it feel if instead of eating out every night this week, you went out with friends instead?