Investment How lucrative is the cryptocurrency investment sector?


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So much has been said about the importance of investing in cryptocurrency because several people have come out to say that cryptocurrency is actually the best investment platform right now and I'm sometimes constrained to doubt such claims because I feel that cryptocurrencies actually are a very lucrative investment platform but I don't see it as the best form of investment and so therefore I really need someone to give me a rundown on how lucrative the cryptocurrency sector is what and if I should invest all my money on the platform I would make some good returns on my investment. Cryptocurrency is actually a new term for me and I am this doubtful of it because I don't quite understand it and I will appreciate a good explanation on how I can invest on cryptocurrency and make good returns on my investment because I am scared of loosing my investment as I know that cryptocurrencies is quite a very risky investment.
Bitcoin and all cryptocurrency are good investment Bitcoin is experiencing massive growth

By far the most popular digital currency is the progenitor of Blockchain technology. Bitcoin owns the lion’s share of the emerging market. Its trading volume is much larger than any other competing currency and its valuation is many times more than the second cryptocurrency of choice, Ethereum. Wider adoption and regular mainstream coverage have elevated Bitcoin from an intriguing security experiment to a possible real-world asset.

Additionally, Bitcoin’s exponential growth may portend good things for Blockchain currency in general. After a few major cases of theft for both Bitcoin and Ethereum, trust in the currency seems to be rebounding.
Some believe the cryptocurrency is a bubble about to burst, but contentious political and economic conditions could push the price up even further. Or you might also invest in what some call shit coins, I leave you to find out what that means
Trading in cryptocurrency can make a huge profit. However, it's also highly risky. You can win and lose a large amount of money quickly. This means crypto trading is exciting, and it can be very difficult to keep peace in mind under heavy pressure.
I considered cryptocurrency as the best form of investment for me that is why I invest so much in cryptocurrency hoping to get something reasonable in returned,it all depends on individual but for me this is the best form of investment I ever ventured into ,it is always advisable to invest what you can afford to lose sometimes.