How good is Feeding through the Veins ( Intravenous or 'I.V.' solutions)?.


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There are some times when person would not be able to eat then they will be passing food through the I.V method.
In some areas, persons who are anemic or very weak spend their last penny to have a liter of I.V. solution put into their veins They believe that this will make them stronger or their blood richer . But they are wrong!.

Intravenous solution is nothing more than the pure water with some salt or sugar in it. It gives less energy than a large candy bar and makes the blood thinner, not richer. It does not help anemia is make the weak stronger.

Also when a person who is not well- trained puts the I.V. solution into a vein, there is danger if an Infection entering the blood. This can kill the sick person.

Intravenous solution should be used only when a person can take nothing by mouth, or when he is badly dehydrated.

If the sick person can swallow, give him a liter if water with a little sugar (or cereal) and salt. It will do as much for him as injecting a liter of I.V. solution.

For people who are able to eat, nutritious foods do more to strengthen them than any type of I.V. fluid.