Importance of breast feeding.


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It is advised that mother practice exclusive breastfeeding or their babies.
Exclusive breastfeeding means no other drink or food is given to the baby and the baby is fed exclusively on breast milk from the birth to about four to six months of age.
This is the one of the basic components of the baby friendly hospital initiative which is aimed primarily at protecting and promoting the support of breastfeeding for the optima maternal and child health. Feeding the baby on demand.
lactation starts soon after delivery but may not come down till after two days or more.
The first milk produce is called celostrium, it runs for about 1 to 2 days before the real breast milk, it is creaming fatty and contain immunoglobulins.
It is not advisable to give cows milk when the baby is born immediate and water for the safety and good health of that baby from the diseases.