Advantages of breastfeeding and divine recommendation


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This is a Quranic command for the mothers to suckle (breastfeed) their children for a period of two years. The wisdom of breastfeeding the children has been instilled in the Muslims through this Qur'anic revelation. Those who followed this Qur'anic command raised mentally and physically healthy Muslim children. Breast-feeding has many advantages.

1-Advantages for the baby

2-Advantages for the mother

Nutritional Advantages​

It has a high concentration of lactose (milk sugar). This is an excellent source of carbohydrates.

The proteins (largely whey proteins) are much more easily digested than the proteins in formula based on cow's milk.

Infants fed human milk tend to have stools that are less foul smelling and softer than those of infants who are fed cow's milk or soymilk based formula. This is due to the different bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of infants who are solely breast fed. Constipation, defined as hard stools (not the absence of a daily stool), does not occur in healthy breast fed infants.

The composition of the milk of mothers who are breastfeeding varies during the time of the day and during the feeding. The hind milk (latter part of a breastfeeding) has a much higher fat content than milk produced during the beginning portion of the feeding.

The odor and/or taste of breast milk may change depending on the mother's diet. This may help infants get used to different tastes.

Bonding and Psychosocial effects:​

Bonding is the emotional tie from parent to infant. It begins during pregnancy and increases with birth. This attachment enables parents to make sacrifices for their infant.

Many women maintain that their breastfeeding experience was a very special time during their life and they valued this closeness to their infant.

If a woman is unable to breastfeed her infant she needs to be reassured that she will still be able to bond with her infant.