How Do You Handle A Difficult Coworker?


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It is unavoidable and a fact that every organisation must have that difficult or bad tempered employee who is a thorn in a flesh to a fellow employee or virtually everyone in the organization. Working with such a colleague tends to be frustrating that you might even think of resigning just to have your peace of mind but this cannot be possible in most cases. There are some ways to go about auch cases; firstly, try to be reserved and calculated even when temperament have risen, maintain your cool and never get angry. Secondly, learn to be a step ahead emotionally. The fact that you have know how ill tempered your co-worker behaves, try to avoid his or her outburst as this will make you handle the situation properly. Trying to prevent problems does not make your stupid but it shows your level of maturity. Thirdly, there should be limits to interactions on an interpersonal level. A normal greetings is okay and enough and communicate only when mandatory. Try to outgrow them by accepting that such bad temper is their nature so that you do not get surprised at their outburst often. Lastly, if you try all these and the situation is beyond you, then report to the superior or manager because such environment can influence negatively your level of input or productivity.
Have you worked with a bad tempered co-worker?
Working in the same confines with an arrogant employee or co-worker is one hard nut to crack. I worked in a school immediately I was done with my one-year compulsory national assignment. Luckily for me, after much job hunting from pillar to post, I took up one teaching offer that was a bit reasonable in terms of the payment, coupled with the fact that I was being given an accommodation because I had hinted the Proprietor that my location would be the major barrier.

The head teacher of the school had a very nauseating attitude and most of the teachers kept complaining bitterly. She saw herself as a demi-god that knows it all and she gets so furious if someone else opted to bring out a suggestion and peradventure, all other teachers took the suggestion over the head teacher's own. She had this attitude of finding fault where there is known. Little did I know she was envious of me because I was given an accommodation as I was only a teacher and she was my superior but the fact is, she was there before me and perhaps never requested for it. So why the hate? The best way was to overcome her by remaining silent in all she did. I inculcated the attribute of patience no matter how hard she wanted to push me to the wall.
You are right some people just have very awful attitude that you wonder what they gain from having such stinking attitude. I have worked with such a person in life just once and I thank God it was for just a while before I left there since it was just an internship. I don't think I would have survived there for long if it was a real job that I was to be there for long.

But the good thing is that I was able to deal with it at that time. I totally ignore him and his attitude towards me. To fight this kind of people you need to live above their childish attitude as you have stated. Ignore and avoid their tantrums and try to put them where they belong out of your life. you don't owe them anything than just being cordial for peace sakes. So totally ignore them and keep working.
I have had an experience with a very difficult coworker before. In fact, all the advice you gave above is accurate and good. The only issue there is that it is not easy to do them because at times when you are patient with some people, they will not know that you are just trying to avoid having problems with them, they make take you for a fool.
The real experience I had with a difficult coworker was my former partner in my place of work. She was so saucy, hard to listen to corrections, she likes to control everybody and she believes she knows more than others. I had a lot of argument and fighting with her.
At times, I try to understand her her nature in order to know how to deal with her but it just keeps on getting worse for her.
Eventually, I worked on myself and I tried to always keep calm and be patient when dealing with her. I made sure I reduced communication with her. And well and behold, it worked! I later had less problem with her.
Eventually, she left our place of work and I can't believe myself that I used to miss her at times. In fact, I still called her last week to ask how she is doing. So being patient is the key because nothing last forever.
How to handle them should be determined by the kind of persons they are. The way you would handle a bossy and annoying coworker, would be totally different from how you would handle a total and complete snub. The best thing to do is study them, and try to avoid the things that would cause issue between yourself and them. Take it as your duty to study them, do not ever assume they would try to understand you. You should be the one to understand and work with them.
When someone you work with is difficult, it can be a challenge to know how to respond. If you're an employer, you might try to reason with them. There are also those who choose confrontation and debate as their approach, which can be infuriating for both parties. Each of these methods has its pros and cons, but all of them will change the relationship between you and the difficult person in some way that should be considered carefully before proceeding.

If an employee is difficult and you're working with them, try to avoid changing your own attitude or personality in response. Don't let it affect your dispositions, give them some time if they are new. Realize that each person has their own form of communication, so if a person seems difficult to you, then it may just be they haven't adapt to the system.

Next, is to state out the rules and regulations or etiquettes of your organization to them. If they persist for a long time after the engagement, suspend the individual , if he/she does not refrain from such actions, then you have all the right to fire whoever in concern.
It is very normal to find one or two workers who are so difficult to work with. For every job you will take, you are most likely to come across such co-workers. It is upto you to accept this fact and learn some of the ways that you can work with such people.

One thing you must always remember is that you don't have control over another person. If they choose to be difficult, then it is their choice and there is pretty nothing you can do to change them. So learn to accept them just as they are and don't ever blame yourself or feel like it is something you have done that cause this.

Then you just learn to ignore such people. When you accept them just as they are, it becomes easier to ignore them whenever they are being difficult. That way, you just mind your own business and concentrate on the duties and responsibilities that you have.

If they go to an extent of hindering your work such as through physical or verbal abuse, you should take appropriate action. Which mostly involves talking with the authorities about this situation. I am sure that your boss or supervisor will know how to deal with such a case.
Is not really your direct responsibility to handle difficult coworker in a business organisation , especially if the permission has not been given to you but the most important thing you have to do is that you have to help them on how to manage or work accordingly in the business organisation the both of you are working together.

If the person is really good and not arrogant , the person will really appreciate you based on the effort you have provided but if the person do not appreciate it , i suggest the best thing you have to do is to let the person be . Then concentrate in your own area for which you were employed into the business organisation.

You should rather focus on what you were being asked to do because that's just the only way, it is the management of the business that are to decide when to let go of such employee because in most cases they are likely to cause problem in most business organisation.

In reality when two or more people work together , there should be some sort of flexibility in behaviour just to accommodate everyone for everything to run smoothly In any business .
Just focus on your job there. You are not there to impress or make your coworkers like you. Continue what you do and put in your best. I had a similar experience in the past where I was hated for doing what none of the others wanted to do. I was segregated and left alone but I didn't care. I continued my job without paying attention to their grunts and silent gossips about me. In the end I enjoyed more privileges and incentives than they did. Don't try to make them like you, don't even care whatever they think or say about you. Just do you.
Handling difficult coworkers can be very difficult sometimes but at the same time it is needed for you to maintain your job and also for your mental health. There are people that no matter how good you are to them, they will always find a way to fault everything. Some of the best ways in which you can use to handle difficult work co-workers and workplaces are;

Maintain professionalism: you really need to be professional in your work if your want to handle difficult coworkers very well. It is very important you put emotions aside and always try as much as possible to keep your relationship with your co-workers in a professional level.
You need to be very focused on your job and know they are the primary reason in which you are in the workplace is because you want to earn salary.

Avoid gossip: Some of the best ways of handling difficult coworkers is to avoid any form of workplace gossip. A lot of workers are always involved in this kind of situation and as someone who wants to avoid trouble you must try as much as possible to remove yourself out of a situation that would involve any kind of gossip.