How Dangerous and Deadly is AIDS ?


VIP Contributor
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a dangerous disease spread from person to person by a virus. It is now found in most countries around the world and in many is becoming more and more common.

AIDS reduces the body's ability to fight disease. A person with AIDS cab get sick very easily from many different illnesses such as diarrhea, pneumonia, tuberculosis, or a serious type of skin cancer. Most persons with AIDS due from diseases their bodies cannot fight.

AIDS is spread when blood,seem n (sperm), or vaginal juice of someone with the AIDS virus enter the body of another person. It can be spread through:

- Sex with someone who has the aids virus . A person who has sex with more re than one person had a higher risk if AIDS.

- Using the same needle or syringe ( or any instrument that cuts the skin) without sterilizing it .
Drug users who share the same needle have a very high risk.

There are some people who do not fear about AIDS In fact some people use to say that AIDS can not kill.

What can you say to this and how dangerous is AIDS?.
Some people are not afraid of it anymore because there are some drugs that can totally suppress it to a point in which it may not really appear on a test results, because of the antiviral drugs people with HIV and STD can still be able to live happily as a normal individual for a longer period of time but it will require a little discipline Because you have to take the drugs every day for the rest of your life,, because that is just the only way you will be able to live healthily without having infection and weak immune system.