How Can We Survive In A Capitalistic Country?


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Capitalism is a kind of economy where monopolist tend to control the economy of a country. Capitalism is a really popular kind of economical system that is found in many developed and developing countries. Capitalism refers to the proper system of market where markets are totally controlled by private organizations that control the total supply of overall goods, products, and even services in the market. We can say that in such kind of countries, the economy is managed, controlled, and even owned by "big fishes" who run the total economical structure in the country.

In such kind of countries, conducting businesses might be harder due to tough competition in the market. In many cases, the suppliers of services and products are so limited that the general public has no option but to purchase products at the rates offered by the monopolistic businesses. This is why competition in the monopolistic countries might be lower for those organizations that offer specific products that are scarce in the market. So, I guess that it must be really hard for people to survive in such kind of countries and run their businesses. How can a random person survive in such kind of country where this system is implemented?


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Monopoly in business makes the business owner to feel at the top, meanwhile making decisions pleasing only to him or her by changing the prices of products. Because, he's the only one dealing on such kind of products. Even in some countries that is practicing monopolist system of government, simply find themselves in the pecking order when compared to other countries whose country is practicing federal system. The difference is huge, because the monopolist government will always do things to please themselves, where everything goes to the centre which is at the federal level, they simply shared to themselves leaving the inhabitants stranded simply to look out for their own survival.

That's why competition is welcome when it comes to labour market, without it, some people Neill simply make others to suffer due to their own personal wants. The government are selfish especially here in Africa, they're practicing monopoly, simply looking out for themselves. For businesses who aren't facing competition are simply that way, they simply fight for themselves alone and not for what customers wants. They simply operate a business and increase the prices of products beyond their normal price tag. But where their is competition such kind of dreaded scenario wouldn't occur.


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Our country is capitalism in style which means there is democracy in business. The free enterprise system is being practiced so that everyone can put up a business of his own whether it is a big business or a small one. There are pros and cons with capitalism but I know this is the best for us. If you are good in business then you can become rich. If you are good with academics then you can be an employee with a high paying job. For now, I don't see any better way for our economic system. Once there was a monopoly of phone system that there is only 1 company that provide communications using the phone. But now with the free enterprise there came some investors to put up a competition. Even with the beer where it was decades of monopoly before Asia Brewery came to town. Now there are also imported beer that are competing with the local beer.


Verified member
While it has its disadvantages in terms of monopoly, capitalism is not really so bad after all.

If you know how to run a business, you can join the bandwagon and see if you have what it takes to make your own stand. If you don't, you can become an employee for the government or private companies and organizations and just receive a salary. This is in terms of earning a living.

In terms of goods and services, not all companies practice monopoly and still cheat the consumers. Some niches also require extensive capital that not everyone can afford, like petroleum refining in my country that only one person is attempting.

The only thing is that goverment can make things favourable for consumers by ensuring that prices are fair and affordable. Another one is Coca cola. For years it has a sort of monopoly but people still choose it over alternatives that pop up. That's because of quality.


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Capitalist market allows the individuals to be in control of the market which truly can make a room for some goods to be monopolistic. However, many have been kicked out of the system because if its domineering nature and it is about survival of the fittest since there may be many sellers for few buyers.

Being creative is the first step to take if truly we want to survive the capitalist market. Since we know that we are not the only ones permitted by laws to sell whatever we may be selling, it is incumbent on us to make sure we find some ways of making sure we are creative. We can do that by making sure we research on some new things we can innovate.

Aside this, there is need to treat customers with utmost care. The fact is that there are many buyers in the market. So if we are not careful, we may not be selling as we want . There is need to treat customers like kings for them to be constant in patronizing us. The way we treat them will determine their constant coming.

Capitalist market as well needs us to sell within the market price. When our price is too high, we tend to be kicked out.


New member
I agree with your point. For example my problem is there are an elite few (especially here in the US) that DON'T want people like us to be able to do well for ourselves To these"oligarchs" we would be competition and to them, "competition is a sin" .


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Conceivably, in an open business environment, an individual’s way of attaining success is by incorporating skills which are in-demand or having value commercially. You need to be a technical expert through getting education and training which is necessary to meet market demands by offering unique products and services. Develop a strategic, business-oriented approach to learn how to identify opportunities and effectively adapt to changing market trends. Live a frugal lifestyle, pay off debts instead of stacking them on another, start saving early, invest wisely and you'll be better set for long-term wealth and financial stability. Success follows the path of steadfastness, creativity, personal accountability, and what is interesting enough that the society willingly coughs out its money.


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If you think monopolist control the economy in capitalist country, you have the wrong notion of capitalism. Capitalism is an economy that is guided by free market. Free market means, everyone has equal opportunities to make money. If you have knowledge and skills, if you work hard, you can make money. In communism, no matter how hard you try, you cannot make good money. In communism only the people in the communist part and only the people who are in the government can actually make money.