Hiring an Influencer with a million followers


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For the business owners here who are in a retailing business of household or personal items, would you hire an Influencer who has a legion of followers? I actually have no actual estimate of the fee that he will charge for endorsing your business but for sure it is a hefty amount.

The owner of a Korean convenience store said that he will not hire an Influencer and instead would print a tarpaulin that can be installed in the vicinity near his store. The potential customers would see the sign of his store and would have the tendency to drop by. The endorsement of the Influencer is only to his followers that we don’t even know who they are and if the ad would be effective that would be questionable.
If you are going to launch any business that requires that your customers I have to put in a lot of money like something like e-commerce store or when you are launching a business into an industry with high competition, influencer marketing can prove to be very effective and a very good price for money.