Healthy habits worth practicing daily


Valued Contributor
According to WHO (world health organisation), health can be defined as the complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. Well, I think such completeness is not easily attainable but you can create habits that can promote your health in each of those pillars that represent complete health. I am going to suggest some of those habits in each of the pillar as follows:

1. Physical health.
  • Engage in regular physical exercise.
  • Take more of healthy and nutritious meals and less of unhealthy meals like fries and sweets.
  • Visit the doctor for regular check ups, most illnesses are treatable when diagnosed early.
  • Take breaks during the day and have good sleep at night to avoid physical fatigue.

2. Mental health.

  • Take care of you physical body as being physically unwell impacts your mental health negatively.
  • Take good care of your thoughts, beliefs and how you view yourself. Having a positive mindset helps reduce the effects of anxiety and depression.
  • Visit a therapist, counsellor, good friend or someone you are comfortable talking to whenever you feel overwhelmed with emotions.

3. Social health

  • Make it a habit to interact with people more, even if you don't know them. Learn those skills that enable you to communicate well with people.
  • Having a cycle of close friends that you have fun with regularly and share a part your life with them.
  • Be open to getting into romantic relationships, falling in love has been proven to make life so sweet and that impacts health alot.

This health tips is very well appreciated.
This topic is really neglected in this generation.

Of which, if we aren't adherent to health tips as these, we there by endanger our lives.
Thanks for this tips. The social health is the most useful these days. People hardly make it without having good people or friends around him. The people will share ideas with at times shape our thinking and at times serve as motivating factor for us to do what we think we cannot do.
I started my morning exercise when I was in high school and I retained that habit until now that I am already a senior. When I had my last medical checkup the doctor who evaluated the lab results said everything is okay including the blood sugar which is just 2 points above normal. Well, that is an outstanding condition because diabetes has affected almost every senior here. I owe that to my exercise.
I am good at maintaining my physical and mental health to some extent at least but not so much with my social health. I do have good friend circle in my offline world but I never get going with people of my opposite gender. I feel nervous everytime and end up not opening up my feelings. But I am still very happy with my like minded friends and also love to interact with my family and cousins.
Nice one, exercise is so important for the upkeeping of the body as it can help in boosting the heart activities. It is advisable that we engage in exercise at least three times a week to keep our body in constant and good position. Social health sometimes I consider it as optional because not everyone is interested in it.
The last part in the physical health is the goal of everybody but the fact is that not everybody can do it especially in Nigeria. There is no sound sleep in the night nor rest in the day. Because the bills awaiting you at the end of the month won't allow this.