Health benefits of pawpaw leaves


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Paw Paw or also often known as papaya is one of delicious food that bring you good health. Most of people already know that but only a few people know the health benefits of paw paw leaves.

✅Nourishing Elements

Who knows that in paw paw leaves contains more that 50 great nutrients such as Vitamin A, B-Vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, calcium, flavonoids, tannins, betacarrotene, folate, karpain, antioxidants, dietary fiber, and more.

Those components are often recommended for daily use so that your body can maintain it’s health by enhance immune system. Its also work great as herbal cure even used as one of the ingredients listed of commercial supplements.


Reduce Menstrual Pain
For some girls nowadays, when it comes to their first period of menstruation they will feel unnecessary pain.

👉To relieve this pain, take 6 paw paw leaves and put it in a liter of water. Then boil them for about 15 minutes. You can mix it with any juice to make it taste good. Or you can mix it with tamarind and salt. Drink it 3 times a day.

Great Laxative
If you have already suffered caused by constipation paw paw leaves may help you. Paw paw leaf tea will work great as some laxative to help cure your constipation.

Acne Remedy
Now you can get rid of your endless acne problem. Just use paw paw leaves as your natural mask. You can make a mask from paw paw leaves by smash it or put it on a blender and add some enough water. You can apply to your face just like a general mask.

Diabetes Treatment
The incredible nutrition in paw paw leaf works great with diabetes patients. The three main reasons it is good for diabetes patients are:
Paw paw leave can enhances insulin sensitivity. Based on study on mauritian population the extract of paw paw leaf can improve insulin sensitivity while decreasing ALT and AST (bio-markers of diabetes type II) enzyme levels.

👉Reduce complications caused by diabetes. There are many research have been proven that the antioxidants substances in paw paw leaf can reduce the secondary diabetes complications such as oxidative stress, fatty liver, and kidney damage.

Promote wound healing. There are numbers of studies have confirmed that since paw paw leaves can act as antibacterial and antioxidant agent, the process of delayed wound healing can be promoted.

Break Down Wheat Gluten
Health benefits of Paw paw leaves have great ability to help your body digest wheat gluten by break it down. That’s why it helps in preventing our body from some diseases.

Relieve Indigestion and Heartburn
Inside paw paw leaves contain karpain which can eliminate bacteria that cause your stomach growl. Paw paw leaves also contain a lot of papain, protease enzym, and amylase enzym. What are those things? Those are the enzyms which can help your body break down protens and carbs. It also can help you with gastrointestinal track and acid reflux.