Health Benefits Of Eating Avocado


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1. Avocado Is Rich In Nutrients- Avocados have an abundance of nutrients and each serving more than 20 vitamins and minerals just through consumption of one avocado intake. It has 33% of vitamin C, 21% if vitamin E, 26% of vitamin B, 53% of vitamin K and 19% of copper and so much more.

2. Prevents diabetes- Avocado prevents diabetes because the study shows that avocado balances the body sugar levels hence prevents us from diabetes.

3. Reduces cholesterol levels- Statically speaking, 1 out of 3 Adults suffer from problems related to high cholesterol levels which only double the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, there are natural ways to lower cholesterol levels and that is by eating avocado. Avocado is an excellent way to decrease cholesterol and increase the HDL levels.

4. It is a healthy fat- The avocado is virtually the only fruit that has only saturated fat, good fat. According to the dietary guidelines, good fats are those that can lower bad cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke and avocado perform this role.

5. Helps to lose weight- According to a study published in the nutrition journal, half of avocado with lunch could be a great help for overweight individuals as it keeps someone saturated for so long. According to the participants in the study, they had 40% less desire for eating for more than 3hrs and 28% lesser desire for eating 5 hrs after eating Avocado.

So Take Avocado more as it has so many health benefits.


VIP Contributor
I love avocado pears because there are really filling. When I need to cut my calories for the day a lot down. I take the pears it is really filling and keep me away from consuming more calories in a day. It is highly recommended for those that need to lose weight


Active member
I love avocado pears because there are really filling. When I need to cut my calories for the day a lot down. I take the pears it is really filling and keep me away from consuming more calories in a day. It is highly recommended for those that need to lose weight
Yes. I always make sure I eat ovacado daily. To me food without ovacado is not food. Because it goes so well even when you are eating any kind of food. Ovacado is good for our health because it also fills our skin with the necessary nutrients needed to make our skin healthy.


Active member
Avocado are good for the health but excess eating of it is bad for the health as the popular saying goes too much of anything is bad. Nevertheless, Avocados are very delicious and they have good taste. They contain very low sodium and are cholesterol free. Avocados are loaded with many essential nutrients that are healthy for human health, such as dietary fibers, vitamins among others. As I previously mentioned above, eating too much of avocado in a day is dangerous for the health, the advisable and recommended amount amount you should eat in a day is just an half of avocado to be on a safer side as recommended by nutritionist.

And also, eating avocads regularly may helps to cure some certain cancers in the body this is due the presence of glutathione in avocados. Avocados are also an excellent source of potassium, which is generally believed to helps in controlling human blood pressure.

To crown it all, Avocados are mostly grown in a warmer climate, Avocados are very delicious and they are very healthy for us. They are low sodium and cholesterol free, eating avocado may helps improve eyesight as a result of benefitial properties such as lutein and zeaxanthin they contain. This property can also helps to protect your eyes from macular degeneration.