Get Paid To Post: Make a Living Writing


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Are you interested in contributing a guest post to "Make a Living Writing"? You're most welcome!

The content of the website focuses on assisting writers in becoming authors, improving their craft, finding better-paying gigs, and pitching more effectively. They currently pay guest posts between $75 and $150, with higher fees for longer, in-depth pieces written only on assignment. They purchase all rights to your post and request that it not be copied from another source simultaneously.

They're looking for posts about: based on reader requests.

Blogging: How to use blogging to acquire freelance clients (should be supported by data, screenshots, and social proof), build your list, guest post, and convert.
Getting into: Where and how to locate lucrative beginner markets.

Copywriting: How-tos for writing headlines, email campaigns, lead magnets, white papers, case studies, and sales copy that gets results.

Questions and Answers from the Editor: What exactly do editors want? Converse with a few in a specialty and offer it with them.

Ghostwriting: How do you find clients for ghostwriting? What amount would it be a good idea for you to charge? Are there platforms for ghostwriting that connect clients with writers? How does it feel to work as a ghostwriter?

Juggling: first-person accounts of juggling children, family, and a day job, among other things. with writing for a living.

Moving forward: how to move from freelance work to full-time work.

Market updates: what it's like to write for specific online platforms and new ones, including interviews with the company and successful platform writers.

Marketing: How-to marketing tips for freelancers, how to be consistent with marketing, and lead generation strategies for finding prospects and clients for freelance writing
Earn more as you move up: first-person accounts of how you increased your rates, up-sold a large project to a client, or entered a new, better-paying writing field; how to get better clients to hire you and where to find them.

Beating fear: New perspectives, strategies, and first-person accounts of how to overcome fears and promote your writing or freelance work while gaining confidence.

Productivity: New methods, tools, or ideas for managing time, overcoming procrastination, making a commitment, avoiding distractions, and remaining motivated

Best sites, tools, and resources: Looking for longer resource posts with 50 to 100 items for freelance writers.

Success stories in self-publishing: Would love to hear from authors whose e-books are well-marketed and sold.

Successes in social media marketing: on new or established platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, among others Writing skills: Methods and exercises that you can use right away to improve your writing, get past dry spells, get over writer's block, figure out what to write about, and write headlines.

Where should your pitch be sent?

Send your pitch to the editor of their blog at [email protected] after checking to see if it complies with their guest post guidelines.
Thank you so much for the insightful information you shared with us. We truly appreciate it. Keep up the great work!
In all you said, writing is a highly technical skill. But to earn from writing is a little complex more than the way you put it in that post. I love to write to earn but you have to put in an enormous amount of effort to earn from writing.

Imagine writing 1000 words with great analysis and insight only to get paid $20- $30. It can be discouraging. I know that blogging is the peak of online writing but even that is not easy to build to the point that it can pay your bills sufficiently. That's why people like us are now writing as a pastime hobby. We just earn the little we can, after all, we are not putting all our creativity into it. Even at that, you cant help but bring out your creativity when you are carried away by the flow. Our end is to make a career out of writing
Never heard of a platform called Make a Living Writing. After reading the post, I was curious to learn about the platform. Therefore, I did a quick Google search and visited the website. When I visited the website, I was welcomed with a pop-up that asked me to subscribe in order to get a free ebook about how to earn. I dislike features like this. Website shouldn't force visitors to subscribe, subscription should come willingly. The welcome page said they offer 1200 plus tips on how to make money as a writer. Well, there are already a lot of resources online that tell us about how to make money as a writer. Well, a lot of us know how to make money as a writer, what we need is a platform where we have a high chance of getting accepted. When I clicked writing jobs, I reached a page where there are posts on different writing opportunities.