Frugal life hacks


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Sometimes, having more money to spend on what you want or saving more money all boils down to living frugally. This is especially true of you are living with others or you have a low income.

You can find ways to include frugal life hacks in every aspect of your daily life. It may be as simple as cutting down on grocery use or more intense like making your own furniture.

Some few ones that work well are.
1. But your groceries in bulk. You save more, both on the groceries, transportation and time.

2. Use your gadgets as long as possible. We don't always need the latest version of a phone or a house appliance or tool. If the old one works fine, use it..

3. Learn how to repair things that breakdown instead of discarding them. That money for a new one can be spent on other things. There are a lot of DIY sites that offer information on how to do stuff like this.

4. Prepare your own meals instead of eating out. Plant what you use especially fast growing vegetables. You'll be surprised how much you save this way.

5. Do you really need that thing? Before buying anything, ask yourself if you can survive a day or week without it. If your answer is truly yes, you don't need it.


VIP Contributor
Living a frugal life is for our own good and that's why we would need to find out the little frugal living that will help us live better. if you know that you don't have the money to waste then adopting this frugal living will be the best bet

I like the whole idea of learning how to repair things that breakdown instead of discarding them. This is because the money for a new one can be spent on other things. it is just for one to learn how DIY and get it right from the word go

just live within your means.


VIP Contributor
At first, frugal life hacks can seem like a lot of work. But once you've mastered them, they'll save you so much money that you'll wonder why you ever thought of them in the first place.

Here are 2 easy ways to save money on everyday expenses:

1. Use coupons. If you're already clipping coupons and clipping them often, then that's pretty much all you need to do to save money on your grocery bill. You'll find yourself spending less and saving more as time goes on!

2. Shop online instead of in-store. It's easier than ever before to shop online and get coupons for the items in your cart without leaving the comfort of your own home! Plus, you can make sure those items are delivered directly to your door without having to run back and forth to get them yourself. which means more time spent doing things like watching Netflix instead of waiting in line at the store!