Do the important factor for success


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The important factor to become rich & get success in Examination

Its based on my personal experience that for success I tried so many things but " DO " was missing and finally I failed mostly. Just recall your memory of your exam. While preparing, you collected notes, started writing it in a separate register, gathered so many notes and combined them together and made one single somewhat outstanding note. Further time you spend in getting the important questions but you were still missing the main factor for exam and which was "DO" means you spend so much time in other things but the main thing was to start learning the notes, finally you get very less time for learning and the answers were not practiced more so you didn't get the desired result.
Same happen in our real life out of college and Universities as we started try to get money but we spend too much time for searching this job and that job and also started searching some shortcuts on internet and we again miss the important thing which is again "DO" means we need to start any job take the job pressure, passes through that pressure and keep searching other job so soon we get other better one.
Same happens in online earning. We search and search but again miss the "DO" as to start praying for your success and start writing at least 10 articles or more per day. Then we'll see that something unusual will start happening and we start getting money from those sites or could be from some other sources.