What is the most important factor when choosing a business?


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When you are choosing a business that means you are in the preliminary step of the business plan. That may also mean that you still do not have the capital at hand. The idea is still playing on your mind and to make it easier to decide is to focus on the capitalization that you can raise.

If you have assets to sell to augment your savings then make computation that will include all the funds that you can get whether investment or simply donation. When you arrive at the estimated funds for the capital you can work from there. The capital will dictate the size of the business, the location and not to forget the type of business that your capital can handle. Do not be too ambitious by raising your capital via borrowings. That will not do you good.


VIP Contributor
I think how much money you have for investment or how much funds you can raise for your business is the most important factor for choosing a business. Some businesses demand more investment than others. Knowing your financial health is very important. This will allow you to not only manufacture products but also market the products.


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Location is the most important factor to me. No matter how much a person used in starting a business, if there is a good location, the person will surely make his money. Most of the people that have become a good household name on what they sell do so because they have a better location.

Good luck

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The most important factor to consider when choosing a particular business is the location..you need a very good and moving place where people do move on .you need a busy place.you need a product that people will like to buy at every Point in time.You also needs good start up capital probably your saving.if all these are done.you are good to go.


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There are several factors that should be considered when choosing a business. Location of the business is one of the most important factors and it can go a long way in making the business successful. Another factor you should consider is your financial capability. You need to decide whether you will start small or start a big business.


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How much money you have for investment is the most important factor for your business. The money determines whether your business will succeed or not because if you have enough money, only then you can invest in product development and marketing. Lack of funds is one of the prime reasons for business failure.