Depression Symptoms

Depression is a complex of psychological and physical symptoms. Low mood level or sadness is often the most prominent symptom. The common property of these symptoms is a decreased activity level in parts of the brain.


Depression may give one or more of these symptoms:

-Low mood level or sadness.

-Lack of joy or interest in activities that were joyful before.


-Feel of guilt of something without any substantial reason to feel so.

-Inferiority thoughts.


-Slowness in the thought process.

-Slowness in interpreting sensorial stimuli.

-Slowness of digestion or other internal physical processes, and symptoms caused by this slowness, for example inflated stomach, constipation or difficulties by urination.

-Slow physical reactions.

Depression can be a mild disease that only causes some annoyance in the daily life, but can also get very serious and make a person totally unable to work and unable to participate in social life. By depression of some severity, there is also a greater risk of suicide.

Depression can occur in all age classes. In teenagers lack of interest in school work, withdrawal from social life and difficult mood can be signs of depression.


By depression there is a decreased amount of neurotransmitters in parts of the central nervous system, mainly deficiency of serotonin, but also to some extend of noradrenalin, acetylcholine, dopamine or gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA), or the nerve cells do not react properly by stimulation from neurotransmitters. A neurotransmitter is a signal substance that transmits the nerve signal through the junctions between two nerve cells.

Serotonin and noradrenalin cause nerve cells to send impulses along to other nerve cells, and thus increase the activity in the brain. Deficiency of these substances causes slowness in parts of the brain, and that again causes the depressive symptoms.

The role of GABA is the opposite, namely to slow down some nerve impulses, mainly those causing anxiety and panic response. Lack of GABA causes higher anxiety and easier panic response. Yet, lack of this transmitter also seems to cause depressive symptoms. This is because a too high activity in some brain processes may slow down other processes.

There are many causes and subtypes of depression with different physiological mechanisms involved.


Depression is often divided into subtypes according to exhibited symptoms.

1. Mono-polar depression and dysthymic disorder

By mono-polar depression there are pure depressive symptoms. Mild cases of mono-polar disorder that do not affect a persons ability to work and to participate in social activities are often called dysthymic disorder.

2. Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disease) and cyclothymic disorder

In this condition there are periods with symptoms of depression – the depressive phase, alternating with periods of elevated mood level with increased mental and physical activity – the manic phase. In the manic phase, the affected person also sleeps poorly and has concentration difficulties. A mild form of this disease is called cyclothymic disorder.

3. Manic disorder

This condition is characterized by abnormally elevated mood, by unrealistic optimism, by lack of sleep and by hyperactive behaviour. Many psychiatrists think that this disorder is simply the same disease as bipolar disorder where the depressive face has not yet occurred.

4. Depression with mainly physical symptoms

Sometimes the physical symptoms of depression are alone or dominant, as for example: Digestive problems, constipation, difficulties with urination, slow response to sensorial stimuli or slow physical reactions.
Well detailed explanation of symptoms of depression. Depression isn't new to the body system, when we have worked a lot it occurs
Even when we don't work much, we might feel tired at times and dizzy due to its long time symptom in the human body. Their are diseases in the body that leaves us depressed just like that e.g Parkinson disease, stroke, headache, cancer etc.
Depression is one of a monster people must do all their best in order to avoid. I remember in the year 2018 I suffered a lot of depression and it was as if I was no longer in this world. that way is definitely a way that I will not forget because I suffered a lot of health issues. But with perseverance and above all, God i was able to overcome.
This is some educative write up.....

Depression is a very bad thing that can heavily decreases our life span. We only need to be happy and be contented with whatever we have and live a happy a life.

But some depressions can only be cured through medicine because not all can be cured naturally.
I think the most common one Is the bipolar disorder and this can be very dangerous if left untreated because it can lead to suicidal thought and other dangerous activities which will be exhibited by the patient. Are mental health is one of the most important thing we really need to guide and protected with all our strength and energy.