Curb Expenses With A Moving Out Of State Checklist


Moving out of state is expensive. But it doesn't have to be quite so painful if you take the right precautions.

Here's our checklist for how to make your move go smoothly:

1. The first thing you'll want is a copy of your current lease or rental agreement. You'll also need to know how much money you have in cash and credit cards, as this information might be required when applying for new loans or setting up new accounts.

2. You'll also need to gather some important documents that are needed for your new life: birth certificates, Social Security numbers, marriage licenses and divorce decrees, wills/powers of attorney/health care directives and death certificates (if applicable).

3. After this has been done, it's time to start packing up your belongings and planning how they will be transported. This should be done in an organized fashion so that everything is ready when needed by someone else (i.e., if your car breaks down while driving cross-country).
4. Make sure that you've got an emergency fund in place. You may need this for unexpected costs like moving or transportation, as well as for emergencies like losing a job or having to pay for last-minute repairs on your car.

5. Save every penny you can, especially money that is not spent on rent/mortgage (money saved in savings accounts will always have less interest than money saved in a checking account). If you can't afford to save all of your money now, set up automatic transfers from your paycheck into your savings account each week or month until the amount needed is saved up enough to cover moving expenses and other unexpected costs.

6. Consider renting instead of buying a house/apartment in your new town (even if it is more expensive). This way, you won't be responsible for any mortgage payments or taxes on the property itself which could end up costing much more than just paying rent!