Cassava production and distribution


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This idea is for those who have land that can be planted with cassava. Maybe 1,000 square meters would be ideal. The planting material of cassava is cheap and if you know the owner of a cassava plantation you can even get it for free. The stem of the cassava plant is cut into 10 inches long. That is what to be planted on the ground to be covered by 3 inches of soil. The cutting is laid on the ground and not vertical.

The planting is best to be done when the rainy season stars so that all you do is to wait after planting. The cassava will grow by itself. After the rainy season (3 to 4 months) the cassava can have tubers as big as half a kilo for each plant. You can pull the plant and place the harvest in a sack. For a 1,000 square meters plantation you can harvest approximately 1,000 kilos.
Cassava production and caltivation really good mostly in some part of country because it helps in boasting economic growth in our country as well they don't lack food in country. But people do find it so malicious to participate in agricultural because some of them doesn't want to do it due to how the sight the work of agricultural, but definitely cassava production helps extremely.
I do not know much about cassava because that plant is not very popular in my region. However, I have a lot of relatives who are growing vegetables in their city homes. Those who have land, are growing vegetables in the front yard and back yard, and those who do not have land are gworing in the roof terrace, balcony, et. vegetable gardening saves a lot of money.
I do not know much about cassava because that plant is not very popular in my region. However, I have a lot of relatives who are growing vegetables in their city homes. Those who have land, are growing vegetables in the front yard and back yard, and those who do not have land are gworing in the roof terrace, balcony, et. vegetable gardening saves a lot of money.
Here in my country, it is very popular with vegetable plantation. Agriculture was the only source if revenue generation before we gained independent in 1960. So anyone living back then, engaged solely on agriculture to earn a living. Without it, I don't think their was any means of survival back then. This our own modern day, we engage in farming, and we plant both cassava and also vegetables. We process our cassava for many things, notably garri, which is our best meal.