can we make at least 10$ per day by writing article?


Earning $10 a day through article writing is possible with dedication and strategy. Focus on securing consistent gigs, diversifying your writing projects, and meeting client needs. Use independent platforms, preach to potential customers, and explore different niches to maximize your revenue potential. Additionally, honing your skills, time management, and developing a solid online presence helps attract higher-paying opportunities. Remember, persistence and flexibility are key to slowly increasing your income in the competitive world of freelance writing.

The only factor we need is to be strong enough on our goal without giving up. Cheers to all who want to earn by writing articles, all the best


Verified member
Getting writing orders from customers is the most lucrative way to make money online, yet after iwriter closed, it is very difficult to get any kind of writing work. Some powerful officials are diverting and robbing almost all the correspondence of online workers, investors here, especially leads and orders which they resell at a profit, so sending email to get orders is a waste of time. In some countries, robbing emails, smses, is a crime with correspondence robbers being penalized, while in other countries it is very difficult for small business owners to take action against government employees who are giving the fake excuse of national security.


Valued Contributor
Personally, I have never experienced earning $10 daily through article writing, but I know that it is a possible earning method. I know freelancing platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr and Trulancer among others where you will get clients who can pay you well for a 500 word article.

What you need in order to earn well from article writing is good skills, a good device preferably a laptop and good internet connection. You also need to diversify your writing strategies and styles so that you can get more jobs. Moreover, marketing yourself is highly important. It helps you reach out to clients who will hire you.


VIP Contributor
Making money by writing articles is a great way to make money online. There are many people who are making a good sum of money by writing articles online. However, there are many things that you must know before you attempt to make money by writing articles. You can follow certain tips if you want to make money online by writing articles, as many people are doing that.

Improve your grammar and punctuation

This is the first thing that you must do. you must try your best to improve your grammar and punctuation. Unfortunately, many people never do this and this is why they are simply not able to make money online by writing articles. You must match a native English speaker's level if you want to make money writing articles.

Find new websites where you can make money online

There are many websites where you can make money by writing articles. You can even sell articles on content marketplaces as well. There are many article writing websites such as Content Panel where you can find work. You can even try your luck on Upwork and Fiverr as well, even though you may need to make a lots of effort to do so.


VIP Contributor
$10 daily for writing articles is even too small for some experts. Professional writers do charge as high as 50 dollars for one article. So it is possible to make that amount even by amateur writers They thing is for one to be dedicated and focus on securing consistent gigs, and you would make good money.

Another is about honing the skills you have so that you attract high paying clients You have to adopt persistence and flexibility to increase your income .