Can the manager's behaviour influence his or her employees.


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The behaviour of the business manager definitely have an impact on how his or her employees and organisational workers would act in respect of achieving their day-to-day organisational responsibilities and duties. As a business manager it is expected for you to behave in such a way considered to be approachable and understanding, we will not go in depth on the features and qualities of a good business manager in this thread, but we can attest to the fact that a business manager should be an understandable and approachable individual. In a case where a business manager is understandable and approachable towards his or her employees or workers, he or she gives the employees of work is the privilege to reflect and express their thoughts and ideas possibly in some areas they see wrong in the business dealings and doings possibly in areas of decision making, it also enables the employees to be effective at carrying any task assigned to them because they are manager or employer is always commendating and congratulating them.

On the other hand, if the business manager is a rude and arrogant individual towards his or her employees, that can totally Hinder the peaceful and smooth working atmosphere all the business organisation. The employees and workers tend to be afraid when carrying out their day-to-day activities and responsibilities, which in most cases may always lead to erroneous delivery of assigned task due to uncomfortability of the employees.
The way a manager behaves would surely have an influence on the other staff of the organisation. They say that a leader is a mirror that reflects through his followers. There are no two ways about it. If a manager comes to work late, surely the subordinates would also take after that. If the manager is lazy, all the other staff would be lackadaisical.

That's why as a business manager, you need to first of all fix yourself first so that you can be able to fix others and the entire business organization. It is a very sensitive role in an organization. When I was a manager, I realized that when I was weak, the entire workforce was also weak. Indeed, a manager in a business organization has an enormous influence on the conduct of the staff in the organization. That's why great care has to be taken before hiring a manager.
A manager's behavior surely influences that of his or her employees. A manager is meant to be a leader. People always look up to their leaders and want to emulate them whether the actions they take is bad or good. When i worked as an apprentice in a fashion designing store, my boss who was also my manager always came late to work. She said she hated late coming and she always expected us the staffs to be punctual to work. We were never punctual because she was also never punctual and she never caught us coming mate because she also came late. A manager who has a lackadaisical attitude to work would influence his or her employees negativelt and they would also have a lackadaisical attitude towards the work.
There was a time where i would have easily said yes a Manager's behavior and character towards the other staffs can greatly influence how they respond to work and all that. But with my current experience, i have come to realize that this may not always be the case. I am the manager where i currently work, i have tried so hard to be good to them, even to the point of buying them food most times, yet they still refuse to work, they would rather do things whenever they feel like and in the end i would receive shouts and complains from not just the customers but also my boss who does appreciate.