Bitter Foods That Are Good For Your Body


VIP Contributor
Most of us are familiar with sweet, salty, hot (spicy) or sour foods and normally avoid bitter or astringent taste. Not many of us realize that our foods should contain variety of flavours for the body to heal naturally. Therefore, we should not only eat the foods that taste sweet, salty, spicy, or sour, but also bitter and astringent.

Now, you might be wondering, what foods taste bitter but are good for the body?

Bitter Foods That You Need to Include in Your Menu

Bitter melon: If you make a list of foods that taste bitter, bitter melons will always top the list. If you are suffering from hypertension or diabetes, this is the food that you need to eat regularly to control your blood pressure and blood sugar level.

Cocoa: Chocolates are made from cocoa beans. When unsweetened, cocoa beans are extremely bitter. Cocoa contains polyphenols and antioxidants, which widen the blood vessels, thus reducing the chance of heart attack. Cocoa also reduces inflammation.

Coffee: If you don’t sweeten your coffee with milk, sugar and cream, coffee is bitter. Coffee is good for your heart and brain. Research show that coffee reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, as well as heart disease and even cancer.

Green Tea: Green tea has a combination of bitterness and astringent, but is very good for th body.
Though this things are good, I have even heard some good reviews about them, especially for the green tea. but too much of them could cause another problem, especially the coffee, so while taking all these things, make sure you do not over take them or abuse them as some might say.
When I was in grade school bitter gourd is like a punishment when I see that in our food. My mother would be cooking bitter gourd with beef or pork so that we would be eating that. But as much as I can I avoid eating that bitter vegetable (some say that it is a fruit). When I became an adult my taste buds changed with foods that I began to eat bitter gourd and when I got married and I was the chef in our home the bitter gourd is in our kitchen at least once a month. To be honest, I really don't know the benefits of the bitter gourd but I'm sure it is a health food that my body will benefit when I eat that. It is nice to realize that people in our home are eating the bitter gourd when cooked well. I hope that I am always cooking it well.