Best part of a job interview.


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During job interviews, the employer and the job applicants or job seeker are always seated on opposite angles, and also questions are being asked by the employer to the job applicants so as to test his or her creative, knowledgeable, and intellectual capacity. However the best part of a job interview is definitely when practical questions requesting practical answers, are been asked to the job applicants or job seeker. The main reasons for asking practical questions to the job applicants or job seeker is so as to be able to analyse whether he or she is a qualified and experienced individual. Majority of job employers usually depend on what is being speculated or interpreted in the curriculum vitae CV of a particular job applicants, however it is advised to look past the CV of a job applicant, as majority of job applicants seeking for jobs in various industries, companies, and business organisations are with forged CV's.

As the job employer it could be definitely hard for you to tell whether a particular job applicant or job seeker is definitely qualified from examining his or her CV, how is the best way to know whether a job applicant is qualified and experienced is by testing his or her creativeness which is also by asking him or her practical questions that requires practical answers.