job applicants

  1. Axis

    How to make a good first impression in a job interview.

    There are so many job seekers and job applicants outside there and majority of this individuals have gone for various job interviews and of course majority of them can say that most of their job interviews are not successful and the reason is because they failed to give a good first impression...
  2. Mikes smithen

    What employers should look for in a job applicant.

    A jobseeker or job applicants is basically someone who is in search for a job. An employer is basically someone who employs an individual searching for a job after going through his or her academic support as well as documents that proves that he or she is an experienced and dedicated...
  3. Axis

    Job applicants should be mindful of this!

    The state of seeking for a job is definitely one of the condition and individual must take very seriously. When an individual is seeking for a job he or she is expected to act in all goodness and in all benevolence so that he or she could be chosen as an employee in the business organisation in...
  4. Axis

    Best part of a job interview.

    During job interviews, the employer and the job applicants or job seeker are always seated on opposite angles, and also questions are being asked by the employer to the job applicants so as to test his or her creative, knowledgeable, and intellectual capacity. However the best part of a job...

    Part of job interviews, a job seeker should take note.

    Majority of people believe that in a job interview what is only asked are questions about the job seekers life and how he was able to gain requisite education and experience on the job he or she is seeking for . But that is not entirely or because a perfect and positive job interview is not...

    Job interviews necessarily be conducted on job applicants.

    Whether you believe it or not job interviews is absolutely necessary for an individual to be qualified for a particular job opportunity or career choice . And it is true that many individuals believe that job interviews is so unnecessary because I'm individual may possibly have spent a whole lot...

    Is age a job qualification factor.

    How will you feel in the situation , when you go for a job applicant interview and after correctly and accurately answer the interviewers questions that was asked or thrown to you , the interviewer or employer then tells you that you cannot be employed because of your age but rather another...