Benefits of garlic


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Garlic is very nutritious as it contains some nutrients like vitamin B6 vitamin c and manganese and fibre as well garlic can help us to prevent some illness in the body and some common cold.

The active compound that is present in garlic and help us to reduce our blood pressure and high blood pressure or hypertension can lead to some diseases in the body so by taking garlic to reduce the risks of developing some diseases in the body.

Garlic help to improve our cholesterol level which reduces the risk of developing heart disease for those that have a high cholesterol taking garlic supplements can help to reduce the cholesterol level in your body which reduce the factor of a heart disease and this so-called garlic contains a hearty oxidant which will help us to prevent Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

The potential effect of this garlic can help us to live longer because of the beneficial effects on the important risk factors like the blood pressure so it makes sense that these garlic can help us to live longer by fighting some infectious disease in the body because this disease are common causes of death so garlic is very good for our health
Garlic is a superfood.
You can have it with water and drink garlic down by crushing one clove on a cutting board,slicing it up then putting it in a dish for 10-15 mins,then drinking it down in 1 cup or less of water.Never chew raw garlic,as it will burn your insides,so drink it like described above.