Benefits of eating avocado pear


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1. Rich in nutrients​

Avocados are a source of vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and They also provide lutein, and fatty acids.

Avocados contain high levels of healthy, beneficial fats, which can help a person between meals. Eating fat slows the breakdown of carbohydrates, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable.

Roughly half an avocado, or 100 grams (g),

  • 160
  • 14.7 g of fat
  • 8.5 g of
  • 6.7 g of fiber
  • less than 1 g of sugar
Fat is essential for every single cell in the body. Eating healthy fats supports skin health, enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, and even the immune system.

2. Healthy for the heart​

In every 100 g of avocado there are of a natural plant sterol called beta sitosterol. Regularly consuming beta sitosterol and other plant sterols may healthy cholesterol levels, which are important for heart health.

3. Great for vision​

Avocados contain, two phytochemicals present in eye tissue. They provide antioxidant protection to help minimize damage, including from UV light.

The monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados also support the absorption of other beneficial fat-soluble such as beta carotene. As a result, adding avocados to the diet may help reduce the risk of developing

4. May help prevent osteoporosis​

Half an avocado provides approximately of the daily value of vitamin K.

This nutrient is often overlooked but is essential for bone health. Taking in enough vitamin K can support bone health by increasing calcium absorption and reducing the urinary excretion of calcium.

5. Components may prevent cancer​

Studies have not yet assessed a direct link between avocado consumption and a reduction in cancer risk. However, avocados do contain compounds that may help prevent the onset of some cancers.
has associated an optimal intake of folate with a reduced risk of developing colon, stomach, pancreatic, and However, the mechanism behind this association remains unclear. Half of an avocado contains roughly of folate, 15% of the daily value.

Avocados also contain high levels of phytochemicals and carotenoids, which anticancer properties. have shown that carotenoids, specifically, may protect against cancer progression.

A highlighted the potential benefits of avocado consumption in relation to breast, oral, and throat cancers. However, these associations are typically the result of test tube studies, not controlled human trials. Further research is necessary to confirm these associations.


Active member
Avocados are very delicious and they taste good. They has low sodium and are cholesterol free. Avocados are filled with many essential nutrients that are healthy for human health, such as dietary fibers, various vitamins among others. As I previously mentioned above, eating too much of avocado in a day is dangerous for the health, the advisable and recommended amount amount you should eat in a day is just an half of avocado to be on a safer side as recommended by nutritionist.

Eating avocado is great for sexual health and can improve fertility in the body, avocados are rich in Vitamin B6 and folic acid which regulate sexual hormone functions. The presence of Vitamin B6 and potassium can also boost testosterone production in males reproductive system. eating avocado may helps improve eyesight as a result of benefitial properties such as lutein and zeaxanthin they contain. This property can also helps to protect your eyes from macular degeneration and above all that, it will also improve your vision generally.

In conclusion, eating avocads may helps to cure some certain cancers in the body this is due the presence of glutathione in avocados. Avocados are also an excellent source of potassium, which is generally believed to helps in controlling human blood pressure.