At what age do you plan on retiring?


Did you make your retirement plans yet? At what age do you plan to retire? I'm personally still in my 20's so don't really have any fixed plans yet since I still have a lot to accomplish in my life. But I would want to retire sometime in my 40's. I wouldn't mind retiring sooner than that but such a thing is hard. Retiring older than that seems to late since I would already be too old and tired from work most likely. But I guess it all depends on how my life will look like at that time since I might find something I'm really passionate about and keep working on that even for the rest of my life if that's necessary.
What about you guys? Have you figured out yet at what age do you want to retire? Do you think you'll save enough money by that age to live a fulfilled life?
What is happening on the future is unpredictable just because no one don't know the future of work. Some cases you have an accident during work that prevents you from contuning work then in this case exactly you may quit your job but get a salary from insurance called accident salary.
Pension is what we fall back to when we become old and unemployable and when our services are no longer required from us. The problem in my country is that people don't even have enough to fen for themselves let alone make provisions for a pension fund, and sometimes people are too busy and have little or no time to plan their future rather they hope on their children to take care of their needs when they become old. One should start planning ones retirement at a very young age. At a time when one still have enough strength to work. Maybe 18years and above.
Ideally, an ordinary employee should only retire when he or she has reached the mandatory retirement age. There is such a thing as a retirement package, something that we can use to support ourselves at a time when we are physically unable to go to work. Maximizing our employment timeline also builds our pension fund because the longer we contribute, the bigger it would grow. You can pay for your own pension fund, but having an employer pay for a huge part of the fund is a big motivation to stay employed as long as you can. The online part of working is something else. We can decide to work or do business online as long as we want or as long as our mind and body permit. It is also flexible enough to allow us to slow down when we want to pause and take a vacation.
You can retire at your 40s but make sure you earn in this 3 ways
1 earn income
2 portfolio income
3 passive income
So with this for now will part way for your retirement
Did you make your retirement plans yet? At what age do you plan to retire? I'm personally still in my 20's so don't really have any fixed plans yet since I still have a lot to accomplish in my life. But I would want to retire sometime in my 40's. I wouldn't mind retiring sooner than that but such a thing is hard. Retiring older than that seems to late since I would already be too old and tired from work most likely. But I guess it all depends on how my life will look like at that time since I might find something I'm really passionate about and keep working on that even for the rest of my life if that's necessary.
What about you guys? Have you figured out yet at what age do you want to retire? Do you think you'll save enough money by that age to live a fulfilled life?
Well, as for me, I don't really think people retire in my country here. I have seen many retirees that start new business of their own after retiring from a government job. And they do this in their 60's or 60's. I can't call that retirement, when they ought to be resting at home and enjoying themselves, they will still be struggling here and there doing one business or the other. I have also seen some retired public school teachers going to apply for another teaching job in private sector. Can you now see they people don't really retire like that?
In my own opinion, the only time that people really retire is when they are sick or dead.
Even if I retire, I don't think I will be tired of making money. Though there should be time to rest to enjoy all what we have labored for during our youthful age, still we must have some plans that will be working for us during this age. We must make sure that we are not just retiring into sleeping and waking up only. We should plan on how our money can be working for us at least even if we don't have much energy to work for money.