Are People Getting Rich Through Amazon KDP?


VIP Contributor
Yes, for sure. Amazon KDP is a very lucrative and profitable business model. You can get rich through it if you are willing to do the hard work. People think that making money online is so easy, but it's not true. There are many people out there who want to make money online but they have no idea how they will do it and what they need to do in order to achieve their dream of becoming rich. Some of these people don't even know where to start or what kind of business they should start in order to earn decent amount of money online.

The good news is that there are now many companies such as amazon KDP that offer different types of services and products at very reasonable prices so that anyone from any part of the world can easily access them without any problem at all. This makes it easier for everyone who wants to make some extra cash from home or on the side without having to spend too much time on researching about different companies or businesses where he can sell his products or services and make some money from it.
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I just laughed reading this post. What are you trying to talk about, KDP or FBA? KDP and FBA are two different programs from Amazon. While KDP or Kindle Direct Publishing is a free book publication platform where you can publish ebooks or paperbacks for free, FBA or Fulfilled By Amazon is a selling program aimed at small businesses and individuals that allow you t sell your products through Amazon platform. FBA is very different from the selling service offered by other marketplaces like ebay or etsy. When you are selling through ebay and etsy, you will list your product and when someone purchase the product, you re responsible to pack the product and ship to the buyer. However, in order sell through FBA program you are required to ship your product to Amazon warehouse and when someone buys your product, Amazon will fulfill the order. With this program, you will be selling through Amazon brand.