Are customers always right indeed?


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There is this general saying that I grew up to know and hear from people that " customers are always right".
Many people believe in this quote and this quote has made business owners not to be in total control of their businesses.
That is why I have actually brought this topic up to ask people if customers are truly and always right while the business owners are not right or wrong.
How will customers be always right? Can't they make mistakes? Are they superior over the business owners?
Why can't they be wrong? Are we saying this to persuade our customers or to make them feel important?
This and many more questions keeps coming to my mind when ever I remember this quote.
Please, are customers always right? Let me hear your view about this matter.
The truth remains that no human is always right and funny enough, customers are all humans. So they can never be always right. But you know you are persuading someone to put some one to put money in your pocket through sales. Ofcourse you would make them feel important and give them the notion they are always right. That’s just it
This idea of customers are always right has really caused a lot of chaos in the society.Not all customers are right .A lot of them are so wrong,they misbehave because they are patronizing you.It is a wrong mentality to think customers are always right.
There are more to the quote than there mere saying. Customers are always right because each business owner aims at satisfying customer. Now let's imagine a customer wants to buy a particular goods and he asked the seller to test it for him. After the test, everybody knows that the outcome of the product is good but the customer insist that he's not satisfied, the shop owner does not have any other thing than to keep testing until the customer is satisfied
Customers are never always right at all. Any business owner who treats customers special for this particular reason won't make any good amount of money as some of these customers would take advantage of him and want to cheat him.
We as business owners would only try our best to render the best of services to customers, but not like we would give them all the rights.
Customers are not always right, some play prawns, why some doesn't. But its good to treat our customers well even if some aren't honest. In order to make customers and move our business higher to keep on driving sales we ought to treat them well even if they aren't right at times. Customers might spoil an item unknowingly and claim the item spoilt before handling it over to them. Such kind of issues are issues that isn't tolerated in business, but we need to follow due process handling it.
The phrase that customers are always right is not particularly true but when you look it from another angle, there is a truth in it. That should be the mindset of every business man because when you have your customers in mind and you meet their demands your business will surely be taken to the next level.
This topic has been discussed in another forum a long time ago. My usual reaction to the issue of the customer being always right is to Not take the statement literally. Customer is always right just shows the importance of the buyer over the seller. But in reality they are on even footing because a transaction is a partnership affair of the supply and the demand.