6 Ways To Make Your New, Better Job Happen This Year


There are Six simple things you can do to make sure your new job happens this year.

1. Make sure your resume is aligned with the industry you want to work in.

2. Make sure you're sending out emails that show off your skills and help you stand out from other candidates.

3. Hire a professional coach to help guide you as you transition into a new role and career path.

4. Make a plan for how to improve things in the future and when to implement them (or at least schedule time for it).

5. Make an effort to network with people in your industry who have more experience than you do, and who might be able to give you advice on how to improve your job skills or knowledge base.

6. Figure out your goals for the next year, and work backwards from there. if you want to be promoted by the end of the year, start thinking about what steps need to be taken
in order to get there by then.