6 Benefits of Onion for your Health


Valued Contributor
Onions are rich in moisture, protein, lipids, fiber, minerals, and carbohydrates.

Here are six benefits of onion for your health.

1. Rubbing the onion in the place of burns reduces the pain and protects against infection.

2. For removing black spots on the face, massage the black spots with onion and a little turmeric powder.

3. It is very good to rub the onions daily to prevent sweating of the hands.

4. Placing a small piece of onion for toothache will ease the pain.

5. The formic acid in the onion is absorbed through the foot and helps regulate the blood flow from head to toe.

6. Also, if you rub the onion for a while for baldness on your head, your hair will grow well.
Although Onion is good for health in both eating and outer body use, however, it did not help me during my toothache, I had severe pain during lockdown and there was no dental help, I had to bear the pain till got painkiller tablets from chemist shop, using onion did not help always if there is different thing.
I believe onions is very good for eating and cooking especially when it is used for garnishing our meals. Most times,I use onions for my cookings and I put a lot of it. Since I started using onions in a large quantity, I have discovered a lot of good changes in my health condition. In fact,I seldom fall sick like I use to do before. The health benefits of onions can not be over emphasized.
Wow I only use onion for cooking and also for frying of eggs but I don't really know the other benefits of it just like the one you are just mention. I know onions is good for the body as it is a nutritious vegetables but I didn't know it can also help to relieve tooth pain. I'll consider using onion for the purpose you have mentioned.Thanks.