2 Fitness Myths That Are Harmful to Your Health


It's a fact: a healthy body means a healthy mind. But do you know what can actually make your body less healthy?

Myth No. 1: You shouldn't eat after 6 p.m.

While it's true that eating late at night can keep you up, it's also true that eating extremely late at night can throw off your sleep schedule for days. So rather than cutting out breakfast, try starting your day with a small snack instead a piece of fruit or an egg salad sandwich will keep you full and energized until lunchtime.

Myth No. 2: The more exercise you do, the better off you'll be

While exercise is great for your body and mind, too much of it can actually be harmful to both. Too much running or lifting could hurt your joints and put extra stress on your back or knees; too much swimming can make your skin dry out or cause rashes (that are likely caused by chlorine).