jobs and careers

  1. Mikes smithen

    Raising the labour force of a particular country.

    Truth be told, there is no exact answer to this question, as the best ways to increase a country's labor force will depend on the specific circumstances and challenges facing that country. However, here are a few common strategies that can be effective in increasing the labor force: EDUCATION...
  2. Mikes smithen

    Importance of sociability in your place of work.

    Being sociable in the business or workplace can bring many benefits, including: IMPROVED RELATIONSHIPS: Building positive relationships with colleagues and clients can lead to better communication, collaboration, and teamwork. It can also create a more supportive and inclusive work environment...
  3. Mikes smithen

    Should gender be a qualification job factor.

    Gender should not be a qualification factor for a job. Employment decisions should be based on an individual's abilities, skills, experience, and qualifications, regardless of their gender. This is also in line with laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other...
  4. Axis

    Results of leading your employees by what you do.

    True of course. It is generally considered to be more effective for a leader to lead by example rather than just giving orders or instructions. Employees are more likely to respect and follow a leader who sets a good example and demonstrates the values and behaviors that are expected of them...
  5. Axis

    How to get connected in your line of work or career

    It is not all about learning a particular skill or getting engaged in a particular kind of career, but most importantly it is all about getting connected in your line of career or work in order to earn the noticeability as well as the recognizability of members of the public as an individual who...

    Do wages and salaries affect employees retention.

    Yes, wages and salaries can have an impact on employee retention. If employees feel that they are not being fairly compensated for their work, they may be more likely to look for opportunities elsewhere. On the other hand, offering competitive salaries and wages can help to attract and retain...
  7. Abigael

    Have you ever regretted resigning from a job?

    Yes! It happened to me recently. I resigned from a restaurant that I was working in for the better part of last year. It was a quick decision because I just got tired of a nagging supervisor and wished for a job in the field I trained for. After resigning, everything looked great, I even went...

    Seeking decisional help and aid from your employees as an employee.

    Some business owner usually have the mindset that they are very perfect and they're absolutely do not need the help or the aid of any individual not even their employees , workers , and staffs . There is absolutely no human being on planet earth that is very perfect , even if he or she have...

    Getting to know your employees more better as an employer.

    your employees are absolutely not strangers even though some business owners may consider their employees , workers , or staffs to be a total stranger to them and they do not even think that it is their responsibility to get to know their employees , workers , or staffs more better . there is no...

    Extending the making of business decisions also to your employees.

    It is high time that employers and business managers understands that their employees are part of their business and they are not there only to carry out business tax and duties assigned to them by either they are superior or their employer in order to achieve business goals and objective , also...

    Elevating or promoting an employee not as a result of friendship but as a result of industriousness.

    And employee's promotion or elevation , is actually one of the ways to show that an employee has deeply tried and has deeply shown and given his best to make sure that he or she sees to it that his or her employers assigned duties and tasks was sure to be achieved and accomplish so as to reach...
  12. Good-Guy

    How To Become A Forest Ranger In The United States?

    A forest ranger is a kind of governmental officer in the United States who seem to take care of forests and he is the person who manages forest under the supervision of the government. There are many different kinds of responsibilities of a forest offer. Some of them include maintaining the area...

    Being sociable in your place of work.

    Although not everyone an earth is blessed with the ability to strike an interesting conversation with someone who they do not know or who is a stranger . I know a lot of you on hearing the word sociable will be thinking about an extrovert . There is no doubting the fact that extroverts are able...

    Convenience first ! before salary rate.

    College goers and student after graduating from their respective colleges and universities have the vision towards their future to own a prestigious high-salary paying job . in most cases they are ready to risk anything whether it's their comfortability , happiness , convenience , and peace of...