Why some persons are not concerned about their financial welfare.


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It is absolutely and obviously advised that we should be always concerned about our financial welfare and one of the ways to show that you are concerned about your financial welfare is by seeking and sorting out ways to multiply your money . I have always mentioned and emphasized in various thread and post commented by me that money is a very important and valuable tool that every individual must endeavour to have but it turns out that in some locality or regions of the world majority of individuals are not concerned about their financial welfare and this is usually enforced by the government ruling and governing such area not being concerned about the growth and development of a citizens and people . Because if the government does not care about your financial welfare , then who are you to judge them rather you choose not to care about your own financial well-being .

Rather than waiting for the government to provide for your financial welfare it is advised to help yourself because sometimes the prayer for your government to help you may never be answered or may never be answered quickly so is advised to help yourself while you still . The internet have indeed being a financial lifesaver to marjority of individuals today so what then is holding you from making the most from indulging in online activities in order to make money .
Personally I became concerned about my financial welfare back in the year 2016 but it was around the Year 2018 that I started implementing my intentions and actions to make money . It is 100% advised to be concerned about your financial welfare at a young age because the dream or the goal is actually to get rich Young . It is totally commendable and congratulated to see majority of youth today possibly between the age of 18 to 25 being concerned about the financial welfare that is why majority of them and striving hard possibly to establish a lucrative and profitable business or possibly carrying out online activities in order to earn a reasonable and positive amount of money .

It is so sad to see that majority of people blame it on the governments of their countries as the reason why they are not making money and why they do not feel concerned about their financial welfare . It is understandable that's in most regions of the world especially developing countries governments of this areas do not care about the financial growth of a citizens . But it is not totally commendable to blame your government for your poor financial wellbeing , because there was actually no government of a particular country that are perfect . Rather than Being idle it is advised to take an online activities possibly to set up capital to establish an offline business .
I wondered same when I see a lot of people fold their hands and went for the government or manna to fall. Some people in the position of affairs are just insensitive to the plight of the masses the government doesn't even care about the financial welfare of it's citizens.

Look at graduates roaming the streets in search of jobs that are no way to be found. it isn't easy at all for job seekers but the truth is that it doesn't make sense just folding hands to do nothing. The thing is if the government isn't doing it for you please you need to do it for yourself. As we all know life is per head so you would need to take your destiny into your hands

Why people don't care about their financial welfare are Numerous depending on the individual.

some people are just frustrated with life as such do not mind staying without doing anything with their life

A lot of people are dependent on others so they do not really care about their financial welfare so at least there's food to eat.

Another is that there's no way of making money so they resigned to Fate which to me doesn't make much sense
There are some persons who are not concerned about their financial welfare. They may have a number of reasons for this, including the following:

-They may believe that they will never be in a situation where they will need to worry about money

-They may be content with the level of financial security they have

-They may not understand the importance of financial planning and responsibility

-They may be too busy with other things to worry about money

Whatever the reason, it is important to remember that financial security is key to a happy and productive life. Everyone should make an effort to be financially responsible, even if they do not have children.

Creating a Financial Plan

If you want to be financially responsible, the first step is to create a financial plan. This involves assessing your current financial situation and setting goals for the future. Here are two tips for creating a financial plan:

Know your net worth. Your net worth is the total value of all your assets minus all your liabilities. To calculate your net worth, simply add up the value of all your assets (property, savings, investments, etc.) and subtract all your liabilities (debts, mortgages, etc.). Knowing your net worth can help you track your progress over time and make better financial decisions.

Set financial goals. Once you know your net worth, you can start setting financial goals. These could include saving for a down payment on a house, investing in a retirement fund, or paying off debts. Be realistic when setting goals – it’s important to have a plan that you can stick to!

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