Why some persons seems to make it in life without education.


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The world has comported our mindset in a way that we are forced to believe that education is actually the key to the financially successful . Well in initial times or ancient times education could be considered to be the key to be financially successful but in today's system of things I am hundred percent sure that education has never been the key to be financially successful . There are some importance that comes when you are educated in fact educated is considered to be one of the mandatory things that an individual must endeavour to acquire because it builds his psychology and thinking towards his career . But some people seems to make it today in life even without education this is probably due to the fact that they do not based their thinking on education rather they seek for ways to aspire on their own .

I do not know for your country , but for my country which is Nigeria it is obviously seen that education is not the key to be financially successful but rather to be successful today actually depends on one's ability to be creative and sort out ways to satisfy and made comfortable the numerous and inexhaustible human wants and needs .
Not only in Nigeria alone, but worldwide, education isn't the key but we need education to avoid being ignorant of ourselves. Without education I wouldn't be here writing on trendri, because I wouldn't have the zeal to learn English. English isn't my main language, I learned it as a result of going to school, from my elementary school days to tertiary institution. Education enlighten us, gives us the scope to chase after treasures of life, but it wouldn't guarantee you success. Success comes from the works of your hand, everyone has his or her own race to run. When you work expertly you'll get to the lane of making money. Those who are making money today applied wisdom, they are learned even if not most of them went to tertiary institution, but they're exposed to ways of utilizing ideas to make money. Majority of the rich people today went to school after seeing financial success notably 'Bill-Gstes, Aluko dangote, and so many others who I can't remember. I love education that was the reason why I went to school, but it doesn't mean that my education will guarantee me success. But to utilize my ideas gathered as a student and from experiences I've learned from well thought people, to pursue financial freedom.
I grew up in the society people believe that education is the key to be financially successful today but to be sincere in modern times like today education is actually not the key to be financially successful and there are indeed some persons that has made it in life and have been financially free even without having a bit of education in their lives . There is no doubting the fact that education is actually one thing an individual must endeavour to have because when one is educated his creativity and mental faculties become educated as well and he have the ability and the capability to act authoritatively possibly because he knows what he or she is doing as a result of the education and training he or she had .

But still majority of people today have made it in life financially even without education this is because this individuals already knew that to be financially successful does not depend on how much education and training you have but rather it depends on how versatile you are in creating ways and strategies so as to satisfy the numerous human wants and needs of mankind because if you are possible to do this then making money is considered to be a very easy thing .
It is dependent on what you mean by education. If what you mean by education is going to school then you are probably very right because there are a lot of people that make it a life and probably become millionaires without going to school.

But generally, there is no way you can be able to succeed in a particular business venture if you are not actually educated about that particular business. Education is not all about going to school and acquiring certificates because there are two kinds of education which is formal and informal education.

Formal education is a kind of education in which you go to an institution and acquire certificates which are recognised but informal education is a kind of education you don't necessarily need to acquire any certificate. There are a lot of businesses in which you can get educated on and probably succeed on them without having certificate.

If you want to venture into cryptocurrency trading for example, there is no way you can make money from it if you're not educated about it. You can also self-educate and probably become successful on it on the long run. The internet is filled with a lot of information that would probably help anyone and become successful.
I can totally relate to your writeup mate as I'm a Nigerian as well. I think we need to realize that the time for paper work via education is long gone and we need to look inward and see how we can be productive if we want to start making money. I don't know but we just have to believe the notion that there's no longer jobs so we need to start creating jobs. I don't know we should blame for the situation we have found ourselves now. Whether the past politician's or the new ones we have now.

it is really appalling that one will go to school and acquired a degree with some certification but no job to be found. I just wished things will change for the better so that life will be a lot helpful too.

So with the way things are it needs one to be creative now. Just start anything you believe you can do to start making money. The richest man isn't working under anyone he went ahead to be creative had a company that is making him billionaires now. Though education is still the key but to be financially free you need to build yourself up and do what will give you money daily.
In the country where I live education is not counted to be important simply because of the lack of job opportunities which graduates couldn't get where you will see someone who graduated two years ago still haven't found a job wondering about in the Streets these are the things which has made many people in my country saying that education is not important well people who didn't even go to school at all live more financially stable life than people who spend all their years of their life studying probably because those people who didn't go to school have found some corny ways in order to make money.

some of them go into fraudulent activities online and song go into offline activities while some even just to start an offline business and somehow progress in it this are the things which has made many people in my country like the interest of even going to school and this problem has also made many people go into crime because they didn't find a job after graduating they go into online activities of scamming people and letter gets jailed I think the government should provide job opportunities for graduates in order to encourage their younger ones to learn and go to school
There are a lot of people who don't appear to to need any sort of formal education to succeed in life. They may have begun with nothing, but through tenacity, perseverance, and hard work, they have managed to accomplish a great deal in their lives. There are a variety of possible explanations on why this is the case.

To begin, it's possible that these individuals are exceptionally skilled and have a natural ability in a particular field. It's possible that they can succeed in this sector without any kind of formal schooling at all. Second, it's possible that they are incredibly resourceful and know how to maximize what they have by using it to its full potential. They may not have a lot of money or access to school, but they are resourceful and are able to find ways to learn the things that they require even without those things. Last but not least, it's possible that these individuals are really resolute and enthusiastic about the work that they undertake. They are determined to achieve their goals and will not give up no matter how difficult things become, which enables them to triumph over any challenges that stand in their way.
There are many examples of people who have achieved great success in life without formal education. However, it is important to note that education comes in many forms, and just because someone doesn't have a traditional education doesn't mean they are uneducated or lacking in knowledge and skills.
Some people who have achieved success without formal education may have gained knowledge and skills through other means, such as through hands-on experience, apprenticeships, mentorship, self-directed learning, or entrepreneurship. They may have also had natural talents or strengths that helped them excel in a particular field or industry.
It's also worth noting that success is often influenced by factors beyond education, such as hard work, perseverance, creativity, resourcefulness, and luck. Some people who didn't have access to formal education may have had to work harder or be more resourceful to achieve their goals, which can also contribute to their success.
Overall, while education can certainly be helpful in providing knowledge and skills, it is not the only path to success, and many factors can contribute to a person's achievements in life.

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