Youth perspective to making money as against passive income


Youth of nowadays are very much in a hurry to making money.
This has been making them to over reactive to anything that is money based. However most of them do not have the required background knowledge to actually recognize what can bring them a good money.
After their graduation from colleges and universities they see themselves as a knowledgeable person. Whereas they do not understand the knowledge relating to money making. This is not their fault it is because they were not taught in the school.
What is expected of youth of nowadays is to go for further learning about making money after graduating from schools and colleges.

It is by that time they would have been equipped with the required technical know-how on money making.
In a nutshell, it is high time the youth of nowadays changed their perspective to making money rather they should learn to undergo passive income.
They just want to work a little and get a lot of money that is pratically impossible unless he is a doctor or a lawyer or working with skill. Most of them prefer go to coofee shop and not working because for them any salary is not enough to feed their daily needs of coofee and smoking.
What they fail to realize is that there is no free money any where, This life is not a bed of rose, one needs to work Smartly to be able to have money.
Get rich quick syndrome is dominant among youth of nowadays due to low level of intelligent and exposure.
What they need is the required skills and knowledge that will expose them to required experience to forge ahead in their endeavor.
Youth need to me positively proactive to be able to get the required money for living.

As a young person, there are many ways to make money and build financial stability. Some people focus on building passive income streams, which are income sources that require minimal ongoing effort to maintain. Examples of passive income include investments in rental properties, dividends from stocks or mutual funds, or revenue generated from a business that is run on autopilot, such as an e-commerce store.
On the other hand, some young people may prefer to focus on actively earning money through employment or by starting and running their own business. This can provide the opportunity to learn new skills, take on challenges, and build valuable experience that can lead to career advancement and financial success.
Ultimately, the best approach will depend on your individual goals, skills, and interests. It's important to carefully consider the pros and cons of each option and determine what works best for you.

Here are a few additional things to consider when deciding between actively earning money and building passive income:

  • Time: Building passive income streams can take time and may require a significant upfront investment. Actively earning money, on the other hand, can provide a more immediate source of income.
  • Risk: Passive income streams are typically considered to be less risky than starting and running a business, as they are not reliant on the success of a single venture. However, there is always some level of risk involved in investing and building passive income streams.
  • Control: With passive income, you have less control over the income-generating process, as you are relying on external factors such as the performance of your investments or the success of your business. Actively earning money, on the other hand, gives you more control over your income, as you can directly affect the amount you earn through your efforts and performance.
  • Flexibility: Passive income streams can provide a more flexible income source, as they do not require the same level of time and effort as actively earning money. This can allow you to pursue other interests or take on additional projects.
It's also worth noting that it is possible to combine both approaches, by actively earning money while also building passive income streams. This can provide a diverse and stable financial foundation.