Work phobia and it's signs


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Home phobia or Ergophobia is the fear of working or engaging in other work related engagements like social relationships or speaking in work settings.

The fact is work phobias don't interfere with one having the urge to earn a living but just the fear of engaging in the jobs assigned.

So how can you kmow that you have work phobias. What are the outstanding signs

First outstanding sign is the .fear of work or the workplace

Another sign manifest in frequent job change or pauses between jobs,

One will always want to miss work and irrational concerns about evaluation, interactions with coworkers, or the boss.

Avoidance of taking on extra work responsibility

Taking self away from the workplace. Happy with Underemployment like working fewer hours or at jobs requiring few skills.

You will not be able to meet work deadlines and there will be great difficulty staying in a job

Again, one will have long periods of unemployment and keep on talking more about negative work.

Do you exhibit any of these signs?
Generally majority of human being are having the tendencies of work phobias and signs.
In relation to to the kind of nature God has created us.
Our mind and heart like to always stay in comfort zone.
There are individuals who are engaged in particular job but the job is not challenging or may be the job is an under employment.

For the person to face the reality of life, sourcing for a challenging work or improve his or her status to be well placed, such a person may see the present state as a comfort zone, thereby finding it difficult to take step for further advancement.

This can be caused by phobia for work or for facing challenges of life.

Effect of these is that one may not develop, one may be poor in wealth, knowledge, exposure and experience due to the fact phobia has disallowed one to take vibrant steps to move to the next level.
I think i have this to some extent, though i currently have a job and have been on it for almost a year now. Before getting this job, i have always been scared of actually applying for any job in particular. My reasons are because i felt i was not good enough or i may not be able to cope. After applying for this particular job i was able to adjust. I do meet up with deadlines and am able to relate with most customers but my major problem is change. I don't know if this also counts.