Why your articles get rejected every time


VIP Contributor
There can be a variety of reasons why your articles might be getting rejected every time. Here are a few possible reasons:
  1. The quality of your writing is not up to the standards of the publication: If your writing is not well-written or is difficult to understand, it may be getting rejected. Make sure to proofread your work and seek feedback from others to improve the quality of your writing.
  2. Your articles are not a good fit for the publication: Each publication has its own unique style, tone, and subject matter that it covers. Make sure that your articles align with the publication's guidelines and focus on topics that are relevant to its audience.
  3. Your articles are not original or have already been published elsewhere: Many publications will reject articles that are not original or have already been published elsewhere. Make sure to create original content and check for plagiarism before submitting your work.
  4. Your submission process is not following the guidelines: Make sure to carefully read and follow the submission guidelines for each publication. Failing to do so may result in your articles being rejected.
By addressing these issues and improving the quality of your writing, you may be able to increase your chances of getting your articles accepted for publication.