Why you should take care of your Lungs?


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In our body, the lungs is the most important organ. Therefore, the lungs must function well as well as the heart. Otherwise, your quality of life may be severely affected. It is because the lungs interact with the environment through our breathing.

The dust particles present in the air, bacteria and other airborne toxins enter our lungs as we breathe. The lungs naturally protect us from all these airborne toxins. Naturally, it is very important that we also protect our lungs by wearing a mask.

In the same way, you should also wear a mask, while working in high-pollution areas, because usually, it is the same as vaccinating against lung-borne diseases such as influenza, pneumococcus, and covid-19. It helps keep you healthy by protecting your lungs.
Deteriorate lung is the reason why some of the smokers die Young. Lungs a very vital as well as other organs in the body systems. But our lifestyle is giving our lungs extra hard work to do. It is being said that I've only said here are produced in the populated area of the urban centre. you also take good care of our lungs by eating balanced diet.
It does amaze me when I see people engaging in some acts that are inimical to their health and seeing it as a good lifestyle. The smoke that we inhaled from the exhaust pipe, generator fuel etc is even enough let alone smoking some things that the manufacturer always warn us against.
I was shocked when a friend of mine show me a video of a lung of someone who smokes a lot. It is too dark and the person find it difficult to breathe. he told me that it was a result of the smoke person in here most of the time they are taking cigarettes.
Smoking has a lot of dangerous effects on the body, normally a healthy human lungs is pink in colour but when there is so much smoke the colour change to dark which can affect the function of the lung by limiting the amount of normal oxygen flow to the bloodstream. This can lead to loss of energy and emaciation
Though people may be thinking smoking is the only way we can damage our lung but the fact is that there are other ways lungs can be damaged apart from the smoking. We should even try as much as possible not to be inhaling some smoke from the exhaust pipes of vehicles and generators.
This is particularly why I absolutely detest smoking. even with all the warnings so addicted smokers are finding it hard to break free thereby causing serious damage to the lungs. There are also numerous other ways in which a long can be damaged so we actually need to be careful when it comes to the kind of air or smoke we breathe in.
our lungs need daily care and attention. Breathing feeds oxygen to every cell in the body. Without sufficient oxygen, people are more prone to health problems, including respiratory illnesses, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and even heart disease.
Don't smoke, or quit smoking.Try to reduce your exposure to pollutants in the environment, at work, and in your home,Exercise regularly. Eat a nutritious diet,Get regular checkups with your doctor ,Be sure to get a flu shot every year, and after you turn 65, get a pneumonia shot.