Why You Should Focus On Engagement When It Comes to Making Money In 2021 [A GAMECHANGER]



You can go ahead and ignore this, if you're fine with leaving money on the table. There won't be any leftovers once you turned back; not even a PENNY.

Hi everyone, I've joined this form to drop some value to help you out on your money-making journey. Lets not waste time and get on right with it!

You guys know those do-do birds that spam affiliate links all day? And if you're one of them then let that statement sting, sometimes the truth burns; but it'll set you free. Name one millionaire that does this crap all day?

I'll wait.

Got nothing?

Alright then lets get on with it.

Engagement and interactions with your target prospects are two activities that are continually going to be critical. It isn't sufficient to just drive recruits to your program, you eventually need to have the option to save your target prospects with you for the long term.

You need to STAND OUT.

You and I both know that nowadays selling money programs is like jumping into a dog fight. Your chances of getting meat is slim to NONE.

My mentor Grant Cardone once said, "You need to PROMOTE, PROMOTE PROMOTE! It doesn't matter if the people hate or like you, as long as your getting attention that's all that MATTERS. And when he says promote, that doesn't mean to spam offers; it means to promote your social media.

Once you show how mindful you are and able to place the difficult work in to convey results, your target prospects could start to focus on your program over a competitor's. SIMPLE.


My mentor Tai Lopez once said, "Teaching builds trust and connection.". You don't have to be a encyclopedia but teach them something dammit.


Too many advertisers make the ugliest mistake of selling without checking on those who bought from them. A quick check-in every now and then, even by text, is going to be crucial in helping them find their feet and begin to make sensible choices as advertisers. Make sure the prospect is actively engaged in the program.


Earlier I mentioned about promotions, but let me dig deeper of how this can REALLY help you!

By showcasing your engagement with the affiliates of your brand, you are placing your program in an powerful position for promotion and attracting new interest simultaneously. This all fits together, and improving one territory of your program could have thump on impacts that raise another part.

If you found this useful, do me a favor and message me about what keeps you motivated to earn more money.


I made a typo at the last paragraph just cross off "affiliates of your brand" and replace it with prospects.


New member
Yep. HODL is for strong people
Im not that strong Honestly.
But. Thx for sharing