Why Opera added cheaper and faster Ether transactions.


Active member
Most of the Internet browsers now have wallets integrated in them and that is to show their interest in the cryptocurrency market. The fast growing cryptocurrency market is attracting many stakeholders to its ecosystem. I have seen companies or conglomerates add features that are crypto related just to catch up with the trending cryptocurrency.

Almost all the companies providing web services have integrated the cryptocurrency for easy access to the crypto world by their teeming users. The web extensions often have the cryptocurrency wallet attached to them. I only read all of this on paper, I have not taken out time to try it out.

The recent one was Opera, a company offering web service added a features that will address the humongous transaction fee attached to the ethereum blockchain. The ethereum gas fee as been a debate for a long period of time and nothing seems to be done about. Thanks to Opera that added a low transactions fee using the ethereum platform. The Opera allow it users send and receive Eth via p2p that about 100 times cheaper and faster.

The Opera is a very popular browser with a very large user base. The integration would definitely gain traction.

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