Why On The Job Training is Best for Start-up Businesses.


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Some new businesses have to employ staff and one of the things they need to do is to train these staff. In the quest to train their newly employed staff, start-ups have the option to go for specializes training programs or utilise On The Job training approach. I personally believe that for a start-up, On The Job Training is best. Reasons? Let's explore.

1) On The Job Training Allows The New Staff To Be Trained and Retrained as Operations Evolve- Operational procedures for startups are always not standardized. Being trained On The Job allows the new staff to keep adapting to operational changes as the company strives to standardize it's processes.

2) It is cheaper than specialized training programs: On The Job Training is cheaper to adopt because it would be the experienced person working and the staff in training learning. Cheaper than having to organize training programs with expensive facilitators.

3) Training would be adapted to the specific needs of the new startup: New start ups always have very unique needs and On The Job Training allows the new staff to understand the particular needs of the organisation.