Why is the issue of mental health in the world of sports getting into the limelight?


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In the sport of professional tennis the winners earn in the millions of dollars and even the losers earn good money too. World #2 Naomi Osaka refused to undergo the post-game media interview during the French Open for the reason of her mental health. She said that she is a shy person and the post-game interview is affecting her mental health. The authorities of the sport issued a warning to Osaka that she would be fined. In her response to the threat Osaka withdrew from the tournament after winning her 1st round assignment. She said she needs a vacation.

What exactly is mental health and why is it getting into the limelight? Even in the Philippines some psychologists are questioning the distant learning that it can greatly affect the mental health of the school children. To be frank, I am not aware of the mental health because as long as the family is normal in their relationship then the mental health of the family members would be okay.
Well there are a lot of things that can affect the mental well-being of an individual such as family just like you have mentioned, peer groups and other things can also affect the mental health of an individual, but I believe it is the individual themselves that gives room for all this thing's to affect them at their adult stage of life.