Why is it advisable to see a doctor if an illness symptoms persist.


VIP Contributor
It is sometimes considered as normal and ordinary for human beings to get sick and ill . And some of the illness and sickness that human beings face usually comes with varieties of symptoms that makes we humans to be aware that they are indeed suffering from a particular illness or sickness . For example : if an individual is being health stricken by malaria , one of the usual symptoms that always happen is fever and headache . In order to combat this sickness be individual is advised to take a drugs , possibly drugs that are either bought from pharmacy and chemist or drugs that are gotten herbally .

But what happens when a particular sickness or illness symptoms persist , even after you might have taken a drug to combat the illness or sickness . You should be concerned , and you shouldn't think that this is a normal thing , in situations like this , it is 100% advised to go see a well-educated health physician or analyst so as to get proper checked up and also to be properly inaccurately advised on what exactly you are suffering from , because in most cases what we may be thinking that we are suffering from may not turn out to be as we thought . Getting advice from a doctor about our health issues is also the best way to also get solution to our health issues as well . Life is precious and we should do our best to secure it .
Self medication has never been advisable for the treatment of sickness or diseases.
And has never being a solution for practical cure.

It is always advisable for a person to see the doctor or visit an hospital from time to time medical checkup.

These days, a lot of people depend on buying drugs and treating symptoms and diseases by themselves without visiting any medical expert, which had led to worse conditions and even death.

When a checkup is done, the disease that bring forth those sickness we are experiencing will be diagnosed, and prescription for the treatment of it will be given to you.

There are many sickness with similar symptoms.
The symptoms of malaria are quite similar to that of Corona.

Therefore, treating that symptom of sickness without knowing it's Corona, can lead to death in a bit.

When you notice symptoms of a sickness, and you are given treatment. If the symptoms persists after treatment, it is advisable to quickly visit a medical expert, for a test to be runned, and the treatment of the sickness to be given.

Following these steps listed above,it will help a whole lot when it comes to seeing a doctor if an illness seems to persist.

Aside this, it may lead to casualty.
I have seen so many cases where people abuse drugs. The reason why it's. Best to see a professional doctor when these things happens is to prevent drug abuse. Many people assume drug abuse had to do with taking hard drugs or overdose of drugs but it could also be when you take the wrong drugs to treat a particular illness. There are times where we might be having symptoms of a particular sickness but in reality it is something totally different.
I do see a lot of people abusing drugs. They take drugs even when they are not sure of whatever that may be happening to them. This may in the long run cause some other diseases that are not even there before.

There are many tendencies that the ailment if not checked may be different from what the person suffering from the ailment will be treating. I could remember some times when someone that has persistent headache was treating headache not knowing he has typhoid.

However, there are many reasons why people intentionally boycott the hospital and decide to do home treatment. Some have given the excuse that they have much money to go to the hospital and that's why they have not been taking going to the hospital serious.

Others are ignorant and see no reason for going to the hospital since they believe they can treat themselves st home. Some even go further to use herbs and concortion toe heal themselves.
A common misconception is that if you are experiencing a minor illness, you should just wait it out and let your body do its job. While this can be appropriate for some illnesses, in many cases it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible.

When you experience symptoms of an illness, your body is fighting a battle. In addition to the discomfort you may feel, it is also expending energy to fight off the illness. If you have a cold, for example, your body will expend energy fighting off the cold virus, and it will also be directing resources towards healing your body from the damage caused by the virus. This can make you feel very tired and physically weak, making it difficult to do even day-to-day tasks.

If you allow an illness to persist over time without seeking help, you risk causing permanent tissue damage or organ dysfunction in some cases. Additionally, a prolonged illness can cause your immune system to weaken and become less effective at fighting off illnesses in the future if they occur.
For instance:
  • If you have a urinary tract infection, it can spread to the rest of your body and become a kidney infection.
  • If you have pneumonia, it can spread to your bloodstream and become septicemia.
  • If you have an infected wound, it can spread through your blood vessels until your body is overwhelmed.
That is exactly what I do and that is what I will always try to do. But see, in a situation that you may not have money , you will not really have any other option than to still delayed visiting a doctor because .

If you have to visit the doctor , automatically they will always ask that you buy drugs or carried out a test and so many things .
Visiting a doctor will help you to understand a lot of things about your health.

What I understand is that in the medical field, early detection of some disease and infection can really help to cure the disease to at least hundred percent accuracy. But there are some diseases that late treatment or late detection can be dangerous and can only give you a certain percentage rate of survival.

Sometimes people who might be seeing blood in the stool might just believe it is just something they just have to wait , but in most cases it could be as a result of rectal cancer and this must be detected as early as possible to guarantee you a high survival rate.

If it's progresses to the 4th stage, the rate of you surviving for the next 10 years is extremely low.
It is normal to be for sickness to come though sickness is an abnormal condition, self medication has never been advisable. It is totally wrong to say because I'm having headache and I feel dizzy I'm having malaria, I should take this and that or any slight symptom of pain ache you take pain relievers. You are gradually killing your body not every sickness need drugs, some need eating healthy, some is a sign that your immune system is down, and some are actually serious illnesses though they come with little symptoms, those kind of diseases can be very dangerous.

It is advisable for one to see a doctor, or a medical personnel whenever he or she notices unusual signs or reactions in the body. It is really dangerous to neglect the little signs that our body gives us when things aren't going the right way in our body. Less the repercussions come without us being able to do something quick, a life can get lost with such carelessness.

Sometimes it could be just deworming you need and you are suffering a very serious stomach ache not just any kind of ache, it biting and sticking and you just feel it is the food you eat or something not too serious. Worms kill.