Why do we have Mentally Slow, Deaf, or Deformed Children.


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Some times parents will have a child who is born deaf, mentally retarded (slow), or with birth defect ( something wrong with part of his body). Often no reason can be found . No one should be blamed . often it just seems to happen by chance.

However , certain things greatly increase the chance of birth defects.
A baby is less likely yo have something wrong if parents take certain precautions.

- Lack of nutritious food during pregnancy can cause mental slowness or birth defects in babies.
To have a healthy babies, pregnant women must eat nutritious food.

- Lack of iodine in pregnant woman's diet can cause cretinism in her baby.
The baby's face is puffy, and he looks dull. His tongue hangs out, and his forehead may be hairy. He is weak, feeds poorly, cries little, and sleeps a lot.

He is retarded andbmay be deaf. He will begin to walk and talk later than normal babies.