What To Do If You're Worried About A Layoff


VIP Contributor
If you're worried about a potential layoff, here are 3 things to do right now:

1. Talk to your boss. You can't control the outcome of any decision that's made, but you can control how you react to it. If your boss says they're considering layoffs, ask them if they're considering any other options that might help prevent them from happening. If there are no other options, then ask them if they'll be able to pay you for unemployment benefits while you look for work.

2. Take care of yourself! Even if this isn't the outcome of their decision, it's still important for you to take care of yourself in the meantime and not just because it's good for your health and happiness. Your emotional well-being will be affected by how much stress and worry your brain is under; by making sure that doesn't happen, you'll be better prepared when the time comes for your boss to make a final decision about whether or not layoffs will happen at all!

3. Talk to other people in your situation, and ask them what they've done to prepare themselves for a layoff. Ask them how they dealt with it, how long they were out of work, how long it took them to find a new job, etc..