What to do if your employer is an arrogant individual.


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Sometimes it is actually hard to deal with an arrogant employer or a business manager as an employee . Majority of employees have quit their job because they can never take it anymore to be in the midst of someone who is arrogant and never show any form of gratefulness for them carrying out a particular business assigned duty and tasks in order to achieve business goals and objectives . To be able to deal with an arrogant employer one thing is sure which is the fact that you should still recognise him or her as your manager and should not join in into any form of quarrel or argument with him because that will only lead to somewhere which is getting fired from your job . You must still maintain self-control and if you have a better view of a particular decision intention of the business decision , you should politely make your views held by him or her by speaking in a polite and meek manner .

You must first of all acknowledge the fact that he or she is trying as a business manager or a business owner , but yet he or she has to hear your views about a particular business intentional decision that is to be carried out .
It is never a thing of Joy to see that your employer or the business manager is very arrogant or show some sort of illicit and an acceptable attitude towards you being the employee and also towards his customers and clients . Some employees and staffs find it very hard to deal with an arrogant employer and some of them have even file for a resignation letter because they cannot take it anymore to be badly treated and badly handled by an arrogant individual who possibly is their employer in this context . They are actually some ways that you can handle and arrogant employer first of all you must have in mind that he is your employer and every decision and choices That issues must be acknowledged and followed by the business organisation .

But yet you being the business employee and want to show or share your view on a particular business solution or something that you see wrong in the idea of the employer you must first of all acknowledge the fact that he is trying to make the business grow followed by your decision and ideas that you see best to be carried out first of all you must not try to prove in any way that your decision is the best and the one that should be carried out , but rather you must make it in such a way that it is an option which the employer can choose or refuse not to choose .
Most time, I have and use some formulae that do work for me. The first thing I do is that I try as much as possible to understand people and care less whether they understand me or not. This is the only reason why I hardly get into trouble with anyone. Since I have known my boss to be arrogant, then the rest is simple.

First, I will know my worth. I will try to maintain my standard of egoism. I have observed that people always scare of who is not moved. I will not be subdued by the stance of being arrogant rather I will try to make my reason nest known especially if I am right. I will only allow him to lord over me if I am wrong.

Then I will like to have an office where we may not be having regular contact. When we don't see always, we may not be having trouble. I do love to do what I need to do on time and avoid being in trouble. I will continue to tolerate him in as much he has never used any invective languages on me. The day he does, I may end up resigning.