Earn Money What is the sum total of money you have earned online

Finger Geek

Verified member
I have read many post on how people make money online in many different ways. I have seen some Blogger's that earning nothing less than $100,000 per month. Wow that is a huge amount. I got impressed by those bloggers and I decided to start a blog. But I have never made it blogging. I find it stressful to write articles so I stopped blogging for now and move to other ways.
Since 2011 I have been making money online and I have made lots of withdraws from those sites. Till date some still exist and they are still paying. Freebitco dot co is one of the oldest site that I earn and are still paying till date.
Having earn from lot of websites since 2011, I tried to gather my total earnings but it is impossible for to sum all because I don't remember some sites and what I earned from them. But I am sure a person that start earning online this year or last year will be able to sum all.

What is all the total amount of money you have earned from all websites online?


VIP Contributor
Good money can be made online but it wouldn't be from just commenting on forums or blogs it needs one doing stuff like writing articles, doing videos on YouTube, having a blog, transcribing and other high paying tasks. I have made over $300 for some months last year. But striving more now